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        The “Sound” of Healing


                  …enriching your life through the power of your own voice


     Once thought of as New Age, the ancient methods of Sound Healing are now finding applications in traditional healing settings worldwide. Can tuning forks re-align spinal energies? Why does toning with crystal bowls seem to unleash the soul? How does it all work?  Sound healing occurs when we use intentional vibratory means to rebalance a matrix. A matrix can be a physical or emotional problem, or blockage in the natural “vibrational flow.” The ancients knew our emotions and feeling world is closely linked to our physical health. They used  rattles, voice and rhythmic chant to sooth and shift energy naturally. There is an inner-connectivity that is difficult to describe in logical terms; it’s all about energy.  We are constantly living and interacting within a larger contextual energetic, or vibrational, world. The nature of this reality is called “field and flow.” When we are healthy, we are flowing with nature and our emotions and our field is vibrant.  Contractions in these patterns can cause densities (inflammation,sclerosis) Applied sound shakes up and re-organizes your vibrational pattern.   One way to access this information accurately is to measure the frequencies within the voice!!


  New Sound Healing Methodologies Compliment Medicine

     Modern computer sound technology allows us to graphically plot the VOICE frequencies to see just how well we are maintaining our personal “field.” The Voice Bio shows us how our daily choices of energy input: emotions, food, computer EMF, create our own individual wave. The frequencies correlate to music notes. Often, women  low in the note of C have a depleted thyroid!!  No C note or B with high E indicates a potential  pre-cancer profile.  Each pattern can be turned around with Sound Therapy, through the voice. Sounding, or toning the notes you are low in will re-balance and correct the pattern. Correct the pattern, release the disease pattern. Sound and energy medicine will eventually replace pharmaceutically driven health care


The Power of Your Own Voice

     We are always communicating, even before we open our mouths We sub-consciously project our energy out into other people’s fields when we speak to them. We become transparent as our emotions, intentions, and love or fear are mirrored to them in our communication.  One program, called Voice Mapping, allows us to pinpoint just which parent we have patterned our voice/emotions after. These holding patterns of tension can be released through new frequency therapy so we don’t have to attract customers to play-out unfinished business with. You will attract happier partners, and customers who match your new vibration. A relaxed, confident voice of feminine authority is irresistible.  It is interesting to note that we will tend to attract a primary mate, clients and friends  who carry an opposite frequency vocal wave, to support and nurture our resonance.  Science has proven all of this!


 Release your Voice to Unleash your Sensuality

     Second chakra blockages are often reflected within the voice. Deadened passion creates a flat voice with a type of “lid” on it. Both cry to be released and healed. My first jazz singing teacher instructed me to sing through the vagina to empower my singing voice by relaxing at my core. How can you enhance your energy field through your voice?  Sing, tone, or chant daily for a dose of daily harmonic vitamins. Learn to release your emotions through your voice by sounding them (in the shower is great) Get the pelvis rocking. Hum to babies. Experiment to stretch the parameters of your vocalizations to therapeutically ignite new relationships within your muscular/nervous system.  Anthroposophically inspired “Therapeutic Singing,” though the work of Rudolf Steiner, is a new form of medicine that diagnoses and treats through vowel, consonant and breathing therapy. Singing therapy is a natural way to tune up.


        Speak your Truth to Heal Your World

Lastly, learn to value the power of your own voice and words as the magnification of your essence, or presence, in the world. When we speak, we employ the creative manifesting power of intention through our Will. You will manifest that which you sound, you already do! Remember……


         – Slow down your communications with compassionate heart thinking


         – Be authentically real even when it’s scary. Turn your life around with a shared    

                moment of truth or a timely question.


– Keep your self talk positive and affirmative. Pray to lift your vibrations.


– Consistently employ your voice to serve your highest good by building better relationships with all in your world, including you.


 Let your voice “sound” your truth…. and heal the real you. So go ahead and Enrich your Life through the Power of your OWN voice and  echo yourself out into the world as a change agent of light!!

Jan Cercone RN, MA, Music/VoiceBio Practitioner,  Specializing in re-balancing women’s health and spiritual ascension. Workshop leader, International speaker, Author/ Recording artist. Her Women’s Voice Release is a powerful tool for women to re-find their voice and empowerment. Jan is the Director of the Solara Center. She authored “Guys Guide to the Divine Feminine” to assist women to articulate to their partners what they are going through as they progress through their Spiritual Awakening!

Jan’s presence, voice and inspirational nature bring a refreshing wave of new possibility for women emerging onto their unique path. Her passion is contagious and ignites the imagination, heart and soul to bring real change to individuals and groups worldwide.  Jill Lublin international speaker and 3x best selling author

Jan Cercone’s story of leaving safety and tradition to find her own voice and wings is an inspiration to women. She offers a heart-centered message full of hope.” Marci Smirnoff  #1 NY Times bestselling author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.

Jan Cercone’s work brings in intuition and sound healing science to help women use their voice to empower themselves.” Steven Halpern   Grammy nominated recording artist and sound healer

“The Holy Spirit directed me to a sound journey with Jan Cercone. Her singing releases all my tension and relaxes me like I have never experienced in my life. My voice bio and sound journey were amazing. I did not want  the state of blessedness to end.”

 —Pat RN, VoiceBio client

“Jan has an extensive background in Music as therapy. She combined lecture,interactive musical activities, and  color in combination with music into her class. She was wholeheartedly involved, inspiring, motivating and joyful in her presentation.” K.M., SRJC

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Voice Release

By Jan Jorgensen RN, MA, CMP  of Sound and Light Healing Arts

Author of Passion Healed Me, Finding my Voice at Midlife and Guys Guide to the Divine Feminine


Your health, vitality, relationships….your entire life is within the scope of your voice.

Your voice is the ultimate creation tool. It creates in every moment naturally as you specify your choices and desires. We can consciously amp up the awareness of our “voicings” to  deepen the connection of our communications with what we really want. It is the ultimate example of the Law of Attraction. We vibrate out through our voice what we attract in. Did you know we can plot your whole body vibratory, or musical frequency pattern? Then we can see how you interact, or attract in other people who have the opposite patterns of yours. By changing your voice vibrations you will change the players who come into your life naturally. How do you change your voice vibrations? By re-tuning yourself through healing old matrixes and beliefs. Your voice will hold the new more balanced vibratory pattern that is more attractive to other healed people. You can also re-vibrate your pattern with tuning forks, toning and humming. Change the pattern, change your physical health and relationship profile. Other things I have learned about the voice include:


 Access Divine Power through your Voice

You are extremely powerful. What are you creating each moment? When we combine the Sound Stream with intention, our breath and then words we have a loaded opportunity to do good, or not. Speaking is a voluntary activity that instantly aligns you with Divine Cosmic Energies. The zodiac forces are the consonants and the planetary forces are the vowels…so each word is an expression of cosmic formative forces…you are creating with your voice. The breath process ensouls us and we vibrate with all the galaxy when we speak even a simple word. Now that should inspire you to “lift” up your speaking to a place that is positive and life-enhancing. Each word counts. And the self talk we have in our heads is perhaps the most powerful. We are the children of our creator, and we do create with our free will. Align with the Divine and each day will bring miracles. Use affirmations and begin the day with stating what you desire to give and get.


 Access the Power of your Voice for Health

When working with Women and their Voices I see the connection

of the underlying inability to sound their voice and tell their own truth and its effect on long term health.  Shutting down the complete spectrum of ourself, or hiding our true self by not speaking the truth will make us weakened and eventually sick. It is this disconnect that has dis-empowered us. Computerized systems shows the C note is low among women who subjugate themselves over and over which correlates with thyroid disorders.  Their immune systems fail. Cancer can take hold with no buffer of immunity.  We know how we got here….  conflicting societal expectations and security needs, along with our childhood programming. But now is the only place we have choice.

Just recognizing that growth is needed is the place to start. I have developed some principles for vocal health which is mental health along this continuum of pure self expression


Get connected: Line up your heart and with the words so you mean it

I heard once that the fall from Grace occurred when man began to speak from his head and disconnected from his heart’s truth. What is it you really want to say? don’t say it till you have that connection, or integration of heart and mind to voice. People Hear what we are really saying anyway, words are a small part, so they only trust a person who has alignment with their emotional and verbal message. If you speak with compassion, there is no right and wrong and you cannot be responsible for the emotional reaction of another. Believe me, this is like dead heading the roses, as you prune out the old relationships built on falsehoods. Start safe; practice on small stuff, speaking the truth very clearly and strongly, then move up to the more emotionally charged topics. You will be very surprised at the results…People will take you more seriously; they will attentively listen with their eyes and want to talk to you!

Ask for What you Want and Release what you Don’t

Don’t predict the answers, let the universe answer you. Be open to even higher solutions and directives that you can imagine. But it’s ok to ask specific questions too. You have a better chance of attracting with specificity, exactly what you desire when you do this. This seems so obvious but we have many covert operations when we even think of doing this. Here is where a bit of gender difference is good to note: In general, men love to “deliver” to women what they want, it makes them happy, so if you tell them what that is, they are relieved to know what to do.  As beings of free will, we have a huge power here simply by remembering to ask. The angelic forces await our asking, they are our assistants in seeing that our true needs are met. Ask away!!!

And did you know that you can Release those vibrations in your Voice that actually contradict your actual asking? That the frequency of unworthiness, or not expecting to get it also can be part of the asking?  The VOICE RELEASE process I developed will help any woman remove these vibrations from their Voice. It is a simple process to “tone out” those old resistance patterns. Learn more here at this LINK. 

Tone to align with Pure Energy for Healing

Modern science supports what the ancients knew, singing relaxes, nurtures and heals the body and soul. With the sound tools now available for toning we can harness pure tone, which is powerful concentrated vibratory therapy. New healing applications can track the effects on your “field” with specificity. I encourage you to just sing and tone according to your wonderful intuition with acoustical instruments   Humming can rejuvenate the brain and body as well. There is a magical alchemy that occurs during Sound Healing processes with the voice that is profound.  Shifts that occur through the voice actually re-program body area being expressed simultaneously. The releases are deeply healing.


Your Voice is your wealth. Use it powerfully. If the “comfort zone” of your life is feeling not so comfortable, it is most likely related to the inauthentic voicings you are broadcasting out into the world. Make new choices. Sound the truth through your body and voice and be free. Sing or tone to expand the vibratory profile of your being.  Make a commitment to have your voice come from that more “quiet space” within rather than the reactive automatic part and your life can change in…well…a moment! Within your voice lies the power of Heaven.

Learn How to RELEASE the fear in your Voice HERE

     Jan Jorgensen Cercone RN, MA, CMP is a Visionary with a focus on the re-balancing of human experience towards joy and wellness through New Models of Health Care,  Sound and Light Entertainment Experiences, Women’s Leadership and the exploration of the New Relationship Paradigm. She has authored 2 books, is a gifted healer and provides Creative Inspirational Workshops on How Music Heals.

Director of the Legacy Cove Lodge Healing Center in Olympia    “where miracles are expected”

Find your Voice, Find your Life

Jan’s presence, voice and inspirational nature bring a refreshing wave of new possibility for women emerging onto their unique path. Her passion is contagious and ignites the imagination, heart and soul to bring real change to individuals and groups worldwide.  Jill Lublin international speaker and 3x best selling author

Jan Cercone’s story of leaving safety and tradition to find her own voice and wings is an inspiration to women. She offers a heart-centered message full of hope.” Marci Smirnoff  #1 NY Times bestselling author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.


Jan Cercone’s work brings in intuition and sound healing science to help women use their voice to empower themselves.” Steven Sound Healing at EasterHalpern   Grammy nominated recording artist and sound healer


“The Holy Spirit directed me to a sound journey with Jan Cercone. Her singing releases all my tension and relaxes me like I have never experienced in my life. My voice bio and sound journey were amazing. I did not want  the state of blessedness to end.”

 —Pat RN, VoiceBio client

“Jan has an extensive background in Music as therapy. She combined lecture, interactive musical activities, and  color in combination with music into her class. She was wholeheartedly involved, inspiring, motivating and joyful in her presentation.” K.M., SRJC


       Using the Voice as an Intentional Healing Tool!Find Your Voice

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