Sound and Light Healing Arts works with consciousness…the little dots of vibration that make all of life flow, or get stuck.
As a Vibrational Educator, Nurse, Minister, Art Teacher I use a variety of methods and created platforms to help people become empowered and joyful by shifting their physical, emotional and mental templates.
Here, is a menu of the ways to connect and journey with Jan in Port Townsend at her office, on zoom, or as part of a program or Queen’s Caravan Visitation. Each link leads to an explanatory webpage.
See you around!!
Personal Empowerment
Becoming Queen Coaching Voice Release and Voice Bio
The Queens Caravan Spiritual walkabout Tour Visitations
She SAID Talks Interviews
fun side projects: Intentional Creativity Painting
Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards
Mini-Sacred Altars
Vibration and Healing
Inner Vision Immersive Experience
Be the Light free Wednesday am Meditations
Divine Time pre-recorded classes on the Divine Plan!
Private Sessions by Appointment:
Jan Jorgensen RN, CMP, PHN, PhD is a Vibrational Educator, Artist with a Vision for Empowered Humans living peacefully. Her services support women in becoming self-expressive through the Arts and she has appeared on TV, Radio, Podcasts and stages worldwide for the last 2 decades. She is a recording artist, Visual Artist and educator and Author and mentors women through the Queens Caravan Spiritual walkabout tour.
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