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Divine Alchemy Cards help us Be the LIght

Posted By on Dec 3, 2023 | 0 comments

Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards

Downloadable Guidebook copy

Dear Community,

When you are feeling out of sorts and asking “when???” will this Divine Plan be Visible I have an idea for you.What if you had a healer in your pocket?  Yes, something that could help you shift your personal QR code from un-inspired and confused to aligned and excited? These cards were made for you to understand your role as a lightworker within the unfolding Divine Plan for earth and to keep your vibration stable.

The Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards birthed themselves as a necessary initiative.  To my surprise, I didn’t even know I was with child!!  There was a vague question within for how to somehow use the 110 Intentional Creativity Paintings I had developed over 8 years in some way. Each has 12 layers of healing, release, and re-vibrational processing within it’s layers of colors and forms. They are like medicine. Many of them were created while leading a group of women painting together to find their way home to wholeness and happiness. There are veils of truth in-crypted into the paintings and each seems to hold a planetary outdated archetype that needs some release.  I had a tiny set made to contemplate. They formed themselves into categories naturally. I wrote the names of the Category on the back of the cards and grouped them into what seemed like a ladder of progression for healing and eventual ascension.

  • –  Know Thyself
  • –  Health and Healing
  • –  Relationship
  • –  Mission and Work
  • –  Global Transition
  • –  Divine Feminine Leadership

    I felt the pinnacle for realization within the card deck dovetailed with the idea that if the Women who are meant to be Leaders find their Voice, we will experience a new way of living together on the planet.  The images fit the themes and soon I was guided to sit in a stillness to “hear” a message that would be included on the back of each card along with an affirmation. Each card was created with thoughtfulness and a precise timing and organizational structure that seemed beyond my usual way of approaching projects.

In Hawaii during the month of September 2023 I was away from my work and desk and decided to work on the book that is in the works, Sarah’s Voice, but it was left home on a storage device. So the cards became the project. I ordered creme cardstock postcards from Amazon and glue. A printer was located and I used Canva to decorate each card and printed each out to the right size and cut and pasted both sides before taking 8 finished ones down to UPS to laminate.  At months end, with 48 cards in hand I began to try them out on people. I had hoped that when people chose the cards for the one or two card line-up it would have some meaning for them. Over and over again my friends and family would comment on how timely and perfect the card choices were.

It is as if they had a life of their own, and the words themselves, when read out loud by the person had a healing alchemizing effect.  They identify the issue and bring the remedy through the vibrational construct of the words and images.  Ok, I said these work and lets go to print. Though somewhat proficient in tech, the skills required for putting them on Amazon, dealing with ordering, time schedules, postcards, adding a guidebook and more kept my brain cells on fire for weeks.

If you are interested in how they work there is more information here.Using the card slowly and mindfully at first will help you familiarize yourself with the nature of the essence of the card and how to work with it regarding your issue or question. Simply pulling a card for the day can be a powerful ritual to help you get back into a vibrational realm that is more pleasant and balanced.

Additionally there is a 111 page downloadable pdf guidebook to talk about each card individually, there is a QR code that comes with the card deck.


Card proposal 1

The Card categories:

A. Know Thyself

Your Timeline from birth to now Remembering your Divine Blueprint Re-claiming your Potential
Moving on from Drama, Trauma Finding your Zero Point thru Meditation Connecting with Source by Listening Finding Joy Again

Your Next Best Step

B. Health and Healing

1. Healing the Spine and Nervous System 2. Healing the Emotional Body
3. Healing the Heart from Betrayal
4. Healing the Endocrine system 5. Healing Control issues
6. Healing Autoimmune issues 7. Healing Anger and Grief
8. Healing the Mental Body


C. Relationship Cards

1. Loving yourself
2. Intimate Connection
3. Family Healing
4. Community Cohesion
5. Communication
6. Your place in the Universe
7. Forgiveness
8. Meeting Others in Resonance


D. Mission and Work

Defining your unique Gift
Imagining it all working out
Attracting the Resources you need Finding your Tribe of Kindred Spirits The Perfect Service in an Imperfect world Removing Perceived Obstacles to Success Standing in your Power, Feeling Calm, Trusting and Peaceful

Global Transition

We are One
Ending Hunger
Ending separation from Source Globally Finding your role in the Divine Plan Speaking Truth to Authority
Being sustainable, resilient and afloat
Living with Nature in Grace and Harmony Pledge for everyday living choices in the light

F. Divine Feminine Leadership

Be a Visionary, Live from your Heart, Follow your Passion,  Call in the Angels, Own your Authority, Commune with Divine Mother, Find your Voice of Light, Be the Light

Communication1Communication Message and Affirmation



Enjoy getting to know the cards and just like essential oils, be sure to USE them. With daily use you will raise and hold your vibration tremendously. Without drugs, food or expensive courses.  A healer in your pocket!


Divine Alchemy Cards and Book

Working with the Divine Feminine Principles of Creation

By Vibrational Healer Jan Jorgensen RN, CMP, PHN, PhD, Rev

“Intentional Alchemy made easy”
