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Becoming Light

The Harmonics of Immortality

Posted By on Jun 18, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 9.54.45 AM “The Harmonics of Immortality”

Leave it to the baby boomer generation to figure this all out. We don’t want to age or not feel good. Is it really true we have a certain number of breaths in our lifespan?  I don’t think so.  Our generation has broken the container of limitation. Some of us are actually feeling  younger and more full of vitality than ever. We now have science and meta-physics to support us. Yes, we now know that stress causes cortisol and it shortens lifespan and telomeres need Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 9.55.59 AMlengthening!  Toxins and poor eating and exercise habits top the list for most but there is something SO fundamental we sometimes Miss it.

Our Very Thoughts about our body, our state of consciousness and the resultant thoughts are the true determinants for aging…or not!!  It’s an inside out job! We can re-program cells to clear and regenerate!!!!

We change our VIBRATION thru out thoughts to a new Harmonic Profile!!!

……..yet there are definite periods where I hit a wall of low vitality. Why? Because my thoughts drift into a different frequency band. I entrain with the general social consciousness bubble. Or drink a diet root beer. We need tools to “pop” out of our perseverative natures to focus on the fearful what ifs.   I developed the Be the Light Meditation process and in 10 minutes I can re-focus and re-set.  Simply set a sacred space, call in my guides and make an intention. Never fails me. And I can direct energy to any organ, tension or thought field. My age and how I feel is my complete responsibility and creation, for better or worse!

You can do this too. It’s simply focusing and using Vibration with our minds, or our consciousness to guide the processes within our body. And it is EASY once you get it. It is exacting consciousness processes that we use that keep our cells clearing, regenerating and repairing to any age level. Only when we fall into the hands of low vibration emotions or people for too long do we sag a bit!! I often say, what if we ALL did this work all the time? What if everyone stayed vibrant? A new paradigm!!  The ancient Essenes and Egyptians practiced complicated processes to keep their body youthful. We can reverse our beliefs and bathe our  bodies with positive results that are beyond what we had imagined due to the acceleration of consciousness on the planet now.  So it was very heartening to see this article on my iphone  shared by Plant Harmonic specialist Bruce Hasuschild via Vidya Frazier:

An ultra-sound confirmed that a 65-year-old woman regenerated, within two months, her uterus and right ovary which had been surgically removed when she was 30.
A man with a gangrenous varicose ulcer was advised urgent amputation of the leg but went instead to the cell regeneration clinic in Moscow and recovered by 80% within one day. He was monitored by medical diagnostic equipment while undergoing the treatment. Another woman, suffering from diabetes, who had lost her eyesight, recovered her vision. Yet another woman discovered that her teeth had regenerated.

As a physician of energy medicine for many years in Australia, Dr Hazel Wardha (PhD, Monash University, Australia), naturally became curious about such dramatic outcomes. She consistently observed that the genetic program of a diseased organ could be altered to a positive state by transmitting certain energy frequencies with a strong intention, and this could result in the correction of all other imbalances in the body. She witnessed such results in her clinic through the use of Homoeopathy, Chinese medical acupuncture and Pranic healing. Yet, she had never come across outcomes as described above.

Cell regeneration – to the extent that whole organs which had been surgically removed – could be regenerated to full functionality in those who are receptive and believe that they can control the atoms in their bodies through specific techniques, was a reality and definitely not a myth. It was mind-blowing technology, as far as Dr Hazel Wardha was concerned.
As she puts it, the most exciting aspect of this methodology is that everybody can achieve positive results, not only in regard to organ regeneration, but also teeth, hair and regeneration of cells and structures, anywhere in the body, if they diligently practice the techniques and have a strong belief that this system really works.

These live testimonies are available on a documentary called ‘Light Of Eternity’ produced by Dr Arcady Petrov, a leading Russian scientist, who is the co-founder of ‘New Knowledge of Cell Regeneration’

Medical doctors and scientists, who participated in this documentary, stated that they were stunned by the positive and rapid outcomes of this new technology of cell regeneration. More so, as lay people, not trained in medical or natural therapies, achieved regeneration of their surgically removed organs and teeth and recovered from chronic conditions when they used the techniques on themselves and others.

Divine Man in his light...Jan Cercone at

Yup…these brave doctors and pioneers are quantifying and writing it and saying it in very concrete terms as part of the new Quantum medicine. No tools or machines, it’s people themselves that are regenerating cells and growing back a uterus. Remember Jesus said, “This too you shall do and more.” The people of his time did not have the sophisticated consciousness to harness the will and energies of our creator that we now have access too. It is a very feminine form of intuitive healing as it is a process that is non-invasive, complete and can flow from our creative imagination of seeing and holding YOU as perfect. Then this blueprint is projected out towards you and through entrainment and adjustment processes the end result is….PERFECTION. For left-brainers, there  ultimate techie tracking systems computerized to follow your results too!

My Voice Bio system can show you how much energy you have in your body and where it’s unbalanced.

Because such concepts and practices cannot be grasped, controlled and understood by a mind that holds profit, linear thinking and control as the primary goals in any objective it has been of course, not only mis-understoood but demonized by the authorities. They don’t want us to take back our power to heal ourselves. We always had this ability. We just forgot. But the Shift, the new awakening to many new ideations and initiatives and our overwhelmed and under achieving medical care system will give way to this higher truth. You can heal yourself when under the care of a guiding facilitator.

We always thought this would come in the future. But now, we know something beyond what we could previously imagine. All is vibration and we alter it with our intention. It is our intention, will and belief system that governs everything. Everything. And the medical system has been squashing as nonsense all the new technology to monitor and prove these successes. But, as it turns out we do not need the machines to prove it as the proof is in the seeing and believing. And we are doing it.

In spite of anything else.

Humans will survive and thrive on this planet because of our innate goodness and resilience and ability to recognize and build from TRUTH.

Now one last word…there is another simply way to stay young…just DO what you love and think about it a lot…and love a lot. Then you will not be shortening your lifespan but enhancing it by supporting good physical and emotional vibrational patterns..

                                                                                                Namaste,  Jan Cercone


Be the Light Method of Meditation and Healing

How Miracle Healing Occurs youtube &a…

Guidance for Reclaiming your Health and Youth:  Being Light Coaching ProgramScreen Shot 2015-06-18 at 9.57.30 AM

Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP, PHN is a Visionary using Vibrational Consciousness.  Speaker, Author, Recording artist.  707-206-5068.

excerpt via Vidya Frazier….related to Dr Hazel Wardha or Email for detailsShe has been licensed to teach Dr Petrov’s work globally and is the authorized publisher of his works in English (

Jan Cercone at

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The Vibration of Truth

The Vibration of Truth

Posted By on Aug 8, 2014

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Helping Humans Celebrate their Divinity!!


How to discern what is true in our confused world……

I would like to talk about truth.
You know it when you hear it,…because you Feel it. It just “rings” (vibration) in your body. Amid the seduction, salesmanship and manipulation of almost every person, corporation and business our hearts are so hungry for truth and goodness. We are starving for a correction. It’s here. The wake-up call of humans calling out the fakes, the users and the smoozers. The big espresso of our times. We “see you” and you know it.
  Feels like a tsunami of truth is washing over mankind now. No leader, country or person is immune to this as one by one we discover, like the emperors nakedness…reality is NOT what we were programmed to think it was. Our tame behavior was crucial to prolong it. But that time is over and we are  finding the truth is bursting everywhere. And things you believed in are melting, and your beliefs are melting and it’s all because of ONE thing. The Divine Plan is having it’s way with this wayward little planet and her people.’s well underway and this plan is built on the principles of creation:
                                                                       IMG_9224   Truth…beauty…love…goodness
It’s as simple as that. Vibrate with those qualities and principles and you will easily attract in your new co-creation tribe. Staying stuck in business practices, relationships and confused alignments and your discomfort level will just rise and rise.
Truth has an actual vibration. A confirming sense. Even if I read something brand new I don’t understand, I can tell if it’s the truth and my perceptual reality hasn’t caught up yet. It’s not what the internet says is true. Or your mother. It’s your navigational sense of truth in any given moment that will guide you to the next best choice to escape illusion.
Truth is contagious
Often outrageous at times
  Takes courage to say truth among sleepers
Truth will set us free, thank you Martin LK
Truth is our best antidote to everything….It is the WAKE Up CALL!!!
We don’t have to say all the truth we know
all the time..just appropriately
There is no replacement or compromise
Science is divided on truth and facts

So where do we find truth?…in the eye of our heart where there can be no violation or manipulation. Our inner, pure knowing. Non-negotiable. You are free in this space to discern. To see and know truth. It is a VIBRATION of peace and reassurance when you hear it.  So if you want to know how to discern truth…go into a meditation and turn off your mind. Just feel. Put the question in your heart. Look at the question through the eye of your heart. You will KNOW.

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Often people say they are amazed by the seemingly “wild” things I say at times, yet they never say it doesn’t “ring” true. I say, well if I lie I lose my Messaging Guest Pass from the creation team!!

Now think of these terms…mis-truths, half truths, and how it brings up the vibration of MIS-trust, or missed trust. We cannot trust our experience if we are not based in truth. All is up for wobbly mis-undertanding, drama and mis-creation. More MISSED opportunity to drop in and work withing a deeper more nourishing reality based on actual truth. Keep thinking about this. It’s worthy of our thoughts.
Namaste……Jan Jorgensen Cercone
Jan Jorgensen Cercone RN, MA, CMP is a Visionary Vibrational Specialist at As an Author, Recording Artist, TV Host,  Inspirational Workshop leader she brings the magic of how to create with Intentional Vibration alive. She is the Director of the Solara Quantum Healing center in Pt. Richmond, Ca and has been on National TV, Radio and Newspaper as a recognized expert on Sound Healing.

Events – Education – Inspiration ….. New Vision through Vibration for Earth    The Solara Center – Healing – Women’s Retreats



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Staying “Present” is the Key to being Happy and Productive

….a timely blog written for our Being Light Coaching Community and beyond!

You cannot divide your attention continually like a chariot driver with horses going into two directions and expect to get anywhere. Where your attention is, that is where you are. There are SO many ways to say this simple truth. Where we put the focus of our consciousness determines EVERYTHING.  Absolute fact. According to Einstein “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics.”

And this has everything to do with your spirituality. To be connected to our creator and the matrix, you will need to be anchored into the here and now to fully embody your full self and essence. The Divine you in a physical body in full operation.  The being that you are is SO powerful and alive and unstoppable and it is available to you at any given moment. You are at choice. You can Tune Out, or Tune  In.

I am not talking about healthy day dreaming while we are in-between activities or resting or finding new solutions through fantasy and problemHeart Expanding at Nexus solving. I am talking about our confused usual way of creating conversation, projects, or work from a mind that is half present and distracted and worried about to do lists, money or any one of  the ways we humans experience constant stress and fear. To achieve, create and speak our truth we need to focus. To be in our body and feelings and to not be distracted.

We cannot create from a place, or relate from a place of cohesiveness if we are not fully present. When we leave the ZONE of presence we divide our thoughts, our power and not only do we suffer but whoever is with us loses our presence as well. So often we “tune out” and let our consciousness move out of our physical space when we are uncomfortable or habitually absent. Often children will use this as a defense mechanism in an unsafe world and they don’t even know they are setting habits that will follow them into adulthood. Lets face the truth, it is painful to live and operate in a fear based world. Yet, if you are reading this you know you are not only “stationed here” as a change agent but you contracted to allow the transformation of the world through your active participation. So staying here, fully present is the best way to really find your sense of yourself and build a life that is truly you. Sourced from a oneness that is connected to the bigger grid of truth and reality. Something you can trust.

Every moment we have a choice. Consider how many conversations and things your do everyday. Now think about how fully focused you really were. Dropping into the zone of full presence that allowed you to really feel and know at a deep level of aliveness you are connected to your spirit self.  I offer a third choice to the Tune Out or Tune In. You can Tune UP. Go vertical and get the calm, the focus and the navigation system to coordinate all the aspects of human presence into harmony and positive directionality!

We do not need esoteric years of spiritual training to find our way and we do not have the time or money to devote extensive chunks of energy to spiritualize our life by living in a temple or cave. We are needing real answers now,  when we need them while living in this reality that we wish to change. The fabric of reality that is a mis-creation at it’s core. The reason we are unable to focus is that we are out of alignment with our truth and the fundamental living principles based on vibrational divine alignments. We are distracted by fear which is an illusionary construct implanted by the egoic structuring of our functioning. This is all now up for re-organization and re-structuring on the personal, social and global levels. It’s been a long time coming for the pendulum to shift but it is indeed swinging back for earth to be in harmonic alignment with the galactic and universal tracks of  truth, beauty, love and goodness.

So when I say you can Tune Up instead of Out I am recommending you simply connect with your higher self who is connected to the creator all that is, and there you can have full brain full on focus, clarity and profound knowing. You do not have to splinter your thinking and be drained by second guessing and fear. Imagine a seasoned athlete beginning to take their first action as they slip into the “zone” of movement. Any second guessing or fear or confusion will trip them up. Or a musician begins their groove and their brain chemicals begin to allow them to shift into the zone and create spontaneously and deliberately. Imagine if they suddenly had their attention shifted by their crying baby in the front row of the auditorium. This divided attention would fracture the container of “connection” within and without that artist is experiencing. In your everyday life you can attain this seamless state of connection with the magic, the zone aspect simply by tuning your consciousness to your higher knowing and guidance that is always connected to source. The headquarters for this circuitry of connection is in your heart.

Our everyday habits create our reality. Was it Aristotle that said we become the thoughts we have over and over? Feels true. So why not lift our thoughts and ask our higher self for guidance and change our experience from distress to relief? Simply ask and intend to know and understand what is the highest, easiest approach to your life in every moment. And being present with THIS, this asking and listening and responding we can lift up our life experience to a new octave. A place of peace, surrender and ease that will not only bring a new joy and peace but will support you to live longer as well as your physical body balances out and heals. The higher vibrational “field” of your body, mind and spirit working together can elevate you and those around you for a more loving, quality experience of even the smallest aspects of daily living.  And the Change for the World begins with you. It is the only place it could ever begin.

The Three Point Be the Light Meditation process I work with is the core of every group, healing and presentation I participate in because it lays the foundation for this simple spirit connection. Here it is:

1.  I ask and intend to set a sacred space

2.  I call in my spirit guides and connect to my creator

3.  I make an intention and then allow the answers, energy and guidance to come.

We live in complicated, off-kilter times yet we have never had such an acute understanding of the energetic field and our potential to masterfully re-create reality on all levels. This too, you shall do and more is coming to fruition as every person has the ability to simply ask and receive higher guidance. The transformation of our human experience is accelerating as more and more people are taking the reins of their own life and destiny in their hands by understanding metaphysics and sustainable living principles.  It is actually very simple to turn our attention upwards to our creator and ask for the right answer as we keep our focus unwavering on the task at hand. No more confused energy, divided and spread out. We feel, sense and discern. Our attention stays permanently connected upwards and our pipeline to our highest best truth guides us effortlessly. Then we are attracted to and become attractive to others who are in their zone and we can create powerfully and seemingly effortlessly without ego or power in the mix. Our work and aim is to do good. Be of service. And feel good.

We are turning a corner together as more of us are “waking” up to the power of intention and coming together and using our prayer and meditation to  change reality. A Washington DC group filled a gymnasium and prayed and significantly decreased crime and experienced meditators can even change weather activity. Why? Because the speed and power of higher frequency vibration has dominion over earth-based density. That is how healing works overall. Lower vibrations (disease, disorganized systematic chaos…will entrain with and align with  more harmonic higher vibrations) The Quantum zone is scientifically validated and lets use this information to lift our lives and humanity beyond the illusion created by fear. If we can change anything and everything….lets do it. Let’s dream a new dream for us and earth with new focus, love and determination.  I invite your comments and please share your miracles of intention in the comment box below! We can inspire each other!!


Here’s a little Youtube to enjoy on this topic and do sign up for my mailing list at the link upper right…Namaste!

Every Wednesday I offer a mediation call to lean and master these simple steps to “Be the Light” and I invite you to join me.

Lastly, perhaps you would like to practice the Be the Light Meditation? another good youtube at this link.

Blessings on your journey to the light. It does not have to be so challenging. Tune Up, not Out.

Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP is a Visionary Messenger specializing in Energy Heaing and Consciousness. She is an Omnium Graduate, Avatar Master and Stuided Anthroposophic singing for 30 years. An Ordained Minsiter, Recording Artist and Author, she offers inspirational Workshops and Events to inspire Divine Connection. She is a gifted Healer and Master at running energy and can teach you how.

She offers a 3 month Coaching Program for individuals seeking to become connected to their life purpose and truth.

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Becoming Light Blog with Jan Cercone

……music is universal, soothing and affordable. Music is good medicine!

Cheri Gross of Paramount International Interviews Jan Cercone on the Healing Power of Music

Check out our informational interview at this link

 Topics Covered in this Recording…..

– How you can use your Creative Imagination to boost your artistic work into the Zone.

– How Artists Can heal the world thru Music  to bring a new consciousnessJan in Ashland

– How Sound and Music impact our emotions, and energy field

Sound and Music shape the experience of our daily life. Thru understanding the landscape of our vibrational world we can make adjustments and protect our sensitive natures from overload.  This awareness leads us to enhance our lives by surrounding ourselves with the sounds of nature, loving voices and safe environments where we can flourish.

The ancients knew this. The lyre soothed the agitated king, shamanic healers chanted and drummed while invoking the healing powers of the gods they believed in. Pythagoras trained his followers to heal with a simple seven stringed lyre. And now in 2014, musicians are taking to the bedside like never before in modern history to deliver profoundly healing music on a variety of instruments.   What is old is new again, and science, technology and spirituality are meeting up through healing music. Just watching this amazing video of sung tone turned into color shows the advances we have made in making the invisible comprehensible!

Sound Made Visible Video

Because humans entrain with the music and the musicians they hear, there is a great potential to bring very high healing vibrations through at concerts simply by setting an intentional field. The future is here and Quantum Healing is quite accepted now. Just think what we artists can accomplish now that we understand our masterful use of Sound, light and color can transform human consciousness for good. We can decide which emotions to experience and use binarual beats to shift our brain into the creation “zone.” All Available on youtubes at no cost.

Maybe you would like to participate in some way in this work, or just learn a bit more about it.  Perhaps you are already a musician and would like to perform in Healing Concerts and the new Events that fuse Healing and Music? Check out Blue ambiance at NexusParamount booking where Cheri Gross is bringing new initiatives and I wrote the Sound Healing Protocol for her Musicians. I hope you have developed an interest in looking into the possibility of expanding your music work.  You have more resources than ever before to explore this wonderful world of service through music. Good luck becoming a Sound Healer!

AND… can join my new Membership Program that not only includes weekly healing thru the internet…but you will receive educational videos that take you step by step thru the many processes that I am an expert at!  Take a look here!

Namaste,  Jan Cercone



Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP is a Visionary Sound Specialist with a focus on Health Care, Entertainment, Women’s Leadership and Divine Partnership. A creative Workshop facilitator, she also has a gift for healing through her voice and teaching others how to Guide the Energetic Field.  Jan is a recording artist, Omnium Graduate, Uncovering the Voice Graduate, and Director of the Solara Healing Center. She Leads Women’s Leadership Initiatives thru SOAR, creates events and is active with the Paramount International Booking Agency to “Heal the World thru Music.” A Performance Artist and Minister, she travels worldwide speaking as an activist for the Divine Plan for Earth thru the Artists.

Her healing CDs can be found at

Paramount Booking teaming up with Sound and Light Healing arts!!

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Yes I am the Calm in the Storm

This week I found my head swimming…too much to think about. To do. And you know what? It will get worse unless I STOP and re-wind the spool of thread. Take a breather. That can include a little walk, touch a tree, or dance around the room. Look up from the computer for at least 10 minutes. Have something good to eat. And breathe.

These little activities are just a circuit breakers though. It is the way we actually hold our sense of self we can correct. Imagine that you are not your thoughts or your busy list. Your physicality does not need to follow these prompts. You can instead imagine:

–  Your core is stable and Calm

– You have an endless core of energy that is resourced from above and below

– Thoughts, people and tasks come and go…your CORE is calm and stable

See how it good  it feels even just thinking about this. It feels like things can expand, that they will be ok. And it is just changing your perspective. I bet your muscles released a bit. I bet you just became a bit nicer to be around and have more of your own energy to give your loved ones, enhancing your presence with them. Yes, we can change in an instant. So the Theme this week for the Becoming Light programs is:

I am Calm in My Center, My Core

All Revolves around my Calm Core

I am Strong, Safe and Stable at all times

  Enjoy this I Am Calm in My Core Youtube

Yes it is that easy. Now here is another thing to think about. Part of you is regular human. Part of you is morphing and waking up to be a light being to help create a new world. So, you are indeed experiencing new electro-magnetic very energizing fast thoughts and energies. The angelic and other realms are light speed. So give yourself some credit. You are simultaneously acting, thinking and behaving the best you can in this slower very dissonant world while taking in very high speed encodments, ideas and upgrades. No wonder your nervous system might feel like IMG_6637a bees nest sometimes. More reason to practice these grounding centering affirmations. They take the “attachment” and pain body aspect out of the equation. I used a Buddha idea and Eckart Tolle principle in that last sentence. Yes, release the sticky strong ideas and just let your core rest in it’s beingness at your core.

Here is a little youtube above with the Becoming Light update for this week. It describes how we all affect each other and can grow and heal faster in community. We don’t have to be thrashed around by our wayward thoughts. We can get support, get vibrational alignment from someone else who has already mastered what we want to feel confident about. And we don’t even have to talk about it. These are attitudes based on vibration that yield to dominant thought. So let your Dominant thoughts revolve around the three sentences up above and have a blessed, stable grounded week. You never know what adventure is around the corner. So stabilize yourself and the resilience is there to take you through any wave easily.

Namaste,  Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP  Becoming Light Programs

1. Community Newsletter  2. Monthly membership Healing Circle    3. Intensive Angels in Flight 3 month intensive

Feel free to share this with anyone you think might benefit!!

Jan Cercone RN, MA, Music/VoiceBio Practitioner,  Specializing in re-balancing Human health and spiritual ascension. Workshop leader, International speaker, Author/ Recording artist. Her Women’s Voice Release is a powerful tool for women to re-find their voice and empowerment. Jan is the Director of the Solara Center. She authored “Guys Guide to the Divine Feminine” to assist women to articulate to their partners what they are going through as they progress through their Spiritual Awakening!

  Join Jan for a beautiful Women’s Retreat at Ananda Sept. 26-28.

Jan’s presence, voice and inspirational nature bring a refreshing wave of new possibility for women emerging onto their unique path. Her passion is contagious and ignites the imagination, heart and soul to bring real change to individuals and groups worldwide.  Jill Lublin international speaker and 3x best selling author

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Being light 4


     I became a nurse to relieve the pain I “felt” when around others in pain. I was surprised to find, after 4 years of Nursing study, that the patients I encountered at the hospital often did not WANT to get better, (of course this was subconscious) but had somehow contracted energetically with their disease process to get….ok, hold your breath…..more love. It’s an unconscious drive to everything actually. Even when it appears the opposite, it’s the road home always.  All move towards love.  Sally Stanford, the famed Sausalito Madame Mayor would check into Marin General for some R and R. I was not amused. Why didn’t people stop smoking, eat better?   There must be a new way.

     People have habitual ways of being in this dissonant world. All forms of love-blocking strategies. And they created them unconsciously along the way and after awhile it catches up and they get sluggish, unhappy and reactive if they haven’t done any healing. And their resistant patterns have caused structures so rigid in their body and beliefs they will not even hear good advice or know how to shift.

   Stuck energy takes the form of:

   1. procrastination   2.blaming others  3. eating to relax  4.never taking risks  5.orienting yourself to outside structures

And of course, since all of this is vibrational, however unconscious, it can be changed!! By moving it!!

Ways to move energy include:

    1. deep breathing   2. touch   3. new-high octane foods   4. sex   5. trying something new  6. trying positive thinking

     What do YOU do to re-align and let go? I prefer soaking in hot tubs forever till my skin wrinkles and my muscles melt. But there is a fast, highway to releasing stuck energy. And it is by using our “intention” and the power of our consciousness aligned with the will of the creator to be a laser beam to kind of break up energy forms. It is mysterious magic and scientifically provable all at the same time. And if you are moving ahead with the New world, time to get serious about what you are holding and doing. Getting clarity of consciousness is getting your house in order to move with the new creations that will be taking over the present operations on earth.  I had no choice but to create a Comprehensive Program for healing that will prepare us to enter the new Paradigm.

      I became a healer after my divorce at age 50,  to my surprise, and learned to shift energies in the body. Just by focusing on the intention. Think about it, we create every minute of our day by choice and intention. But most of us are asleep to the possibility of of really learning to heal themselves and believe they can.  I saw people could be passive and expectant I could take away their pain yet going deep into their causative patterns was not comfortable for them.  Then I remembered something I had read about the greatest healer, Jesus himself. He felt like he had failed his mission!!! Why?  because he knew how easy it was to bring thru divine light, sift it over the physical body and heal and he felt he failed because he could not teach this to other people. They did not GET consciousness, or or how to exercise their will energetically, or the power of  high frequency vibration. They didn’t have sophisticated enough thinking processes 2 thousand years ago.   All of this is now changed. With all the scientific proof showing us all how to harness the healing light of creation. So, my new work is to focus as  Messenger, the facilitator and I will use any means at my disposal to support YOU to entrain with your ability to heal YOU.  …sound, meditation, arts, music, movement with the Basic 3 Point Be the Light System as the basis. And honestly, people are often not really getting the language my friends and I use anyway. Let the vibration just carry the information.

  The new focus is to give everyone the tools to heal themselves. 

 Time to bring it HOME, self empowerment on all levels.

And I just learned what that means…

   Here On Mother  Earth

Going inside yourself is a place where you come home to your health. To take responsibility for your life, choices and energy. At Solara, our Quantum Energy center here on the SF bay, we are experts and can show you how, hold your hand and walk you through. We even have you communicate your commitment to us on a scale of one to ten after we have created your program WITH you.This is the new way, We are coming out of a society of being “handled” and controlled and taking back our innate power and Our Right  to have CONNECTION TO our own DIVINE powers and healing processes.Here is the process I use on every session, circle and workshop…it works.   
                    Join me for my BEING LIGHT 3 Month Coaching Program …and see you life change!!
                                                                            Namaste,  Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP
fancy be the light
Join our Healing Circle..Becoming Light Monthly Membership showers you with Healing sessions, Education and being
part of a larger Community of Awakening Individuals. We can make walking between the worlds not only possible by enjoyable as we create a New Paradigm together based on Energetic Principles of Truth and Personal Empowerment.
                                          Take a look at the New Way of Community Healing

What do YOU think true healing is?

Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP is a Gifted Healer, Singer and Inspirational Speaker making the Divine Healing Vibrations of Source a simple concept. An author, recording artist and educator, she is a Minister, Avatar Master, and Omniumm graduate. She creates new initiatives in Health Care Models, Entertainment and Women’s Leadership. Her goal is to create a school in Southern France where individuals can learn to heal with simple powerful techniques and then go home and serve their community. She taught at the Sound and Consciousness Institute and developed Music Programs for Hospice and Hospital settings working with staff. Jan Created the SOAR initiative, Sounding Our Authentic Resonance, that brings powerful women healers together to share their knowledge and establish a Divine Healing Arts Mystery School in France.
She received a grant for Music in the Schools, has worked with the elderly in Long Term Care settings, and has created Community Music Events for over 20 years. She is a recognized pioneer in Vibrational Healing Arts with a specialty of “Women’s Voice Release.”   She is the Director of the Solara Center…healing with a Feminine Touch in Pt. Richmond, Ca and travels widely.

Jan’s presence, voice and inspirational nature bring a refreshing wave of new possibility for women emerging onto their unique path. Her passion is contagious and ignites the imagination, heart and soul to bring real change to individuals and groups worldwide.  Jill Lublin international speaker and 3x best selling author

Jan Cercone’s story of leaving safety and tradition to find her own voice and wings is an inspiration to women. She offers a heart-centered message full of hope.” Marci Smirnoff  #1 NY Times bestselling author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason.

Jan Cercone’s work brings in intuition and sound healing science to help women use their voice to empower themselves.” Steven Halpern   Grammy nominated recording artist and sound healer

“The Holy Spirit directed me to a sound journey with Jan Cercone. Her singing releases all my tension and relaxes me like I have never experienced in my life. My voice bio and sound journey were amazing. I did not want  the state of blessedness to end.”

 —Pat RN, VoiceBio client

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