What do we all need more of? JOY
It is our next step for creating a New World in Community
We can raise our Vibrations together thru the Arts…with INTENTION!
This is the place to follow the Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tours!
The tours are about supporting women like you to FIND their VOICE and hold truth and light in their Home and Community…like QUEENS!!
Jan teams up with others to connect circles within communities to expand our sense of oneness through a variety of artistic processes.
Would you like me to visit your Community? Get on my calendar: SOARGlobalVision@gmail.com
Donations Welcomed HERE
Follow the Fabulous
“Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour”
What will the Tour Bring to Your Circle? Where shall I visit Spring 2025???
- a menu you choose from! Choose one:
- Meditation and Sound Journey Event for the community, healing, inspiring
- Voice Release for releasing Fear from our Communications!
- Intentional Creativity Painting in Circle ..it is easy, therapeutic and fun
- Becoming Queen Ritual of Crowning ourselves and Each other….it’s time
When I say “Circle” it can mean any established group you have at church, sisters or work, or why not create a Circle of your favorite friends. The intention is to leave you with the skills to set a sacred space, hold a Circle that is empowering and sacred for you to become who you really are! Jan’s intention is to help you build your own circle and continue it, and reach out to others doing the same to rotate visiting teachers! Finally, would you like to LIVE in collaborative community? We can discuss that vision as well.
Would you like me to visit your Community? Get on my calendar: SOARGlobalVision@gmail.com
Jan is visiting your Community, Creating Circles!! Contact Jan at SOARGlobalVision@gmail.com
Feminine Rising – Claiming our QUEENDOM
Follow on Youtube at Jan Jorgensen Be the Light and SOAR
Tour ONE Sept 2022 Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado
Tour TWO January 2023 Shasta, Sausalito, Sedona
Tour Three April- May 2023 Across the US from PNW to Maine
Port Townsend Finding our Voices Weekend Aug 5 and 6, 2023
Tour Four California, TahoeTour
Tour Five-Oregon, California, Arizona, Montana
Six California Isis Oasis October 2024
note: to watch the video, press the lower left youtube icon and watch it big screen!
The first leg of the Tour May 2-8th is with Guest Claire Sierra and her “Sister Sojourn
Get on the Tour Schedule now
I hope to meet you along the way….this is Part of the SOAR Template of connecting us!
What will happen on the Tour choose one of these modalities…….. Joy, color and sound
Meditation and Sound Process: This takes about 2-2.5 hours. We form a “Circle” through sound and meditation followed by a sharing. Bringing people to a unified shared happy vibration is the goal! The idea is to “pop” our usual routine and inject some color, inspiration and spark into our lives together. We can also choose to not paint, and simply use music and meditation to raise our vibrations! I play beautiful instruments and people sit in chairs and receive a sound bath. Participants pay about $10-20.
Voice Release is a scientific-spiritual process that is easy and powerful to release fear from your body and voice. Each person receives healing and some individuals volunteer to have an intense clearing. No special skills required. I give an explanation and then an experiential process. The usual fee is $20
Painting: I bring the paint and canvas, we just need some tables and chairs and we gather to paint for 2-3 hours with the Intentional Creativity Painting method. No painting skills are needed. Take home a great piece of work you created. It is an energy-based activity. Depending on the length, fee is usually $20-40 per person.
Why: The Arts inspire us and when guided by intention can bring us into a hopeful state of seeing new possibilities. The process of working through the Intentional Creativity steps in a group is fun, easy and cathartic all at once. Jan hopes to lift the spirits and vibration of each Unity Community with her special mix of meditation, guidance and sound used during the painting process. Happy, lifted souls are poised to bring new ideations in circles of collaboration of new ways of being and creating. We need NEW formulas for community co-creation.
Facilitator: Jan Jorgensen RN, MA, CMP, PHN, Reverend has worked with groups providing workshops, Sacred Tours, education and inspiration globally. She weaves together spirituality and practical life issues creatively and honors each participants unique expression and journey. A Gifted healer and Founder of the SOAR Women’s Circles Initiative, she inspires people to connect with others through the heart for positive social change. Her mastery of the principles of conscious intention and vibrational healing are part of her weekly zoom Meditation and she was an instructor at the Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco CA. She has been a Radio and TV host, professional singer, author and women’s empowerment coach. She is a credentialed Intentional Creativity Painting Instructor, Omnium and Avatar Training graduate and Uncovering the Voice Singing specialist. Her PhD focus is on researching the efficacy of her proprietary “Voice Release” for women to feel safe in speaking their truth. Soundandlighthealingarts.com
If you want a truly spiritual companion to assist you in evolving your soul and expressing your deepest callings, Jan Jorgensen is one to trust. As a Unity minister and Spiritual Pilgrimage Tour Guide, I’ve met many individuals with a wide variety of gifts and of clarity in their expression. Jan not only has amazing talents but continues to evolve and integrate them. Most of all, she listens to Spirit as she lovingly connects with others in authentic service through her sound healing, music, art and meditations. In both private and group settings, she is truly a channel of Love and Light in these times of evolutionary shift for us both personally and globally. If you have an opportunity to spend time with this dedicated Sister of Spirit, gift yourself with it. It will bless you and send you forth to bless others. Pamela Douglas Smith, Unity Minister of Port Townsend
I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful time painting in the forest at your beach home in Olympia. Being with such a connected group of women, who were so accepting, loving and kind was really exceptional. I have not removed the red thread. It makes me smile when I see it on my wrist.On another note, I watched and participated in your meditation last night. It was absolutely beautiful. I would love to thank you for that too. Angela 2021
“Thank you for a beautiful, inspiring Painting day I will never forget as long as I am alive! I am renewed to the very core of my being.” Michelle 2018
Thank you Jan! It was wonderful learning about all the extraordinary information you taught us, and the sound circle and painting times were potent. I’m grateful I got to learn from you this weekend and I hope to again someday! Your presence speaks for itself in terms of the potency of the practices you offer. WOW workshop participant 3-2019
Contact to bring the Wagon of Joy to your Family, Community, or Church, Vet Group Be in the Tour Online...or to donate to the Tour, the vision….to meet up along the way.
Support Advisors and Collaborators:
Dr. Kimberly Marooney President Gateway U, Port Angeles, WA
Caroline Corey: Executive Producer and Director Omnium Universe Media and
Education,Author, Visionary, Speaker, Award Winning producer and Director, known for ATear
in the Sky (2022), Superhuman: e Invisible Made Visible (2020)
David Gibson: Founder and Director of Globe Sound Healing Institute, SF, CA.Educator,
Producer, Author.
Aimee Lyndon Adams: Emergence Mentor, Author, Speaker, Corporate Advisor; completed
B.A., research at MERU.
Judith Coates: Executive Director of Oakbridge University and Channeler Voice for Jeshua ben Joseph
Katie Cercone: MA, Faculty School Visual Arts NY, Performance Artist, Editor
Eileen Nash, RN: BS,Owner Research Company, BayTrials
Dr.Valerie Rene Shepperd: Author, Lecturer 13 years UCI
Alli Berman: Inventor Puzzle art erapy in 13 Countries, Author, Artist
Scientist Don Estes: Inner Vision, Bio-Field Science
Learn Jan’s Energy Processes, stay connected with the Tour
Recordings available at this Link
What an amazing evening you created at Unity in Marin last night. When you began the meditation I had a vision of being a mermaid, swimming playfully in the water. That was the start of a very magical evening. What an experience. What a blessing to have participated in something so wonderful. No wonder hallucinogens became so popular in the 60’s. I participated in a magical experience that impacted not only me, but my mom as well, and while being in a safe, caring environment. What a treat; I can’t thank you enough. Of course, now I’m spoiled. How do you top that kind of magic? Mary RN, San Rafael
We are finding that connection in Circles we are lifting everone up….ourselves, our family and then when we visit other countries we are cross-pollinating the Joy. SOAR Circles for the New World… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fpEGQxg1Zo&list=PLqlMnr1Dx4K3iNOesZoIyNwtvLCgfhxtE
Bio: Learn more about Jan at this webpage Link