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Home….Finding Our Way Home Thru Healing ARTS

Are you a Visionary or Artist who needs clarity on your role

in Creating a better world?

My intention is for you to find your VOICE in the New Paradigm.

It’s  time to begin the CREATION of our NEW WORLD TOGETHER

Meet Jan Jorgensen RN, CMP, PHN, Rev, PhD

“I would like to teach you how to create miracles in your life”

I am a Specialist working within “COMMUNITY” using

Voice Release 

Be the Light Divine Alchemy CARDS

Divine Time Circles Vibrational Education 

Intentional Creativity Painting

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 Follow the Fabulous

“Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour”  Here

Becoming Queen Coaching Program Jan 2025

 on going:

Weekly free  Be the Light  Meditations online Link

Learn about the Focus of Jan’s Services Here

Ready to schedule your appt?  LINK

Newsletter Sign Up LINK

Join the Youtube Channel 

SOAR Community

OZ-SOAR Foundation Page


“And since my Voice Release Sessions with you so much has changed in my life…I am calmer and can express anger without fear. My Voice is at a lower pitch, people notice it. Thank you for helping me release deep pains in my heart.”  Thank you for a beautiful, inspiring Painting day I will never forget as long as I am alive! I am renewed to the very core of my being.”   Michelle H. 2018

Learn about Jan’s Journey at this recent Mystic Magazine Interview

Donations Welcomed HERE

Ready to Book a One-Hour Session?  LINK

We all are feeling the movement towards identifying what needs to move forward to help heal our social systems and world.  The answer is for smart people to find their Voice and Create solid New Communities built on Trust, Truth and Faith in each other. The activities here with Jan revolve around the diagram below. These are the programs, processes we use to co-create the new Initiatives.  We seek to find a property and create a “template” center so others can see how we can share information, resources and healing in happy, sustainble.  community.

Overview SOAR foudation

….from Pam Douglass Smith, Unity Minister of Port Townsend

If you want a truly spiritual companion to assist you in evolving your soul and expressing your deepest callings, Jan Jorgensen is one to trust.  As a Unity minister and Spiritual Pilgrimage Tour Guide, I’ve met many individuals with a wide variety of gifts and of clarity in their expression.  Jan not only has amazing talents but continues to evolve and integrate them.  Most of all, she listens to Spirit as she lovingly connects with others in authentic service through her sound healing, music, art and meditations.  In both private and group settings, she is truly a channel of Love and Light in these times of evolutionary shift for us both personally and globally.  If you have an opportunity to spend time with this dedicated Sister of Spirit, gift yourself with it.  It will bless you and send you forth to bless others.

Thanks again for the healing you did for me. My neck and shoulders are much more relaxed now and the energy flows easier. It has effects on my behavior. I feel freer to express myself. And I express myself more.  I am also now starting to see all the patterns, beliefs, and programs that are running in me and inhibiting my expression and also my success. So things are moving now. I feel optimistic and inspired. Thank you so much.

Satora O, Energy Healer, Founder of Quantum Energetic Realignment

Well guess what? Your healing session really worked. I awoke the next day and was ready to move. Things seemed clear. Approach it as a typical project. Start it and move. You have a talent. You unblocked my energies. Your powers are strong and pure.  You have helped me so much.I have told 3 of my best friends about this experience Carry on Jan. You are one of the angels!
Love Pamela Dreyfuss, Santa Rosa CA

Be the Light Calls Logo

I have heard her music-like some other realm…and when following her guided meditation recently I do believe I was “hit by lightning” or something similar was stimulated I my forebrain. She uses quantum physics and the energy fields of our vibrations and frequencies to heal with sound.  I think you should all know about Jan and the work she does with sound at her Sound Healing Studio. Clare Grinsell, Unity Church

Jan Jorgensen (Cercone) is a Registered and Public Health Nurse, holds a Masters Degree in Political Science with a Public Administration focus. She is a multi-faceted leader in the expanding field of Quantum Healing and a leader in the Divine Feminine Community.  An author, recording artist, professional singer, profound intuitive healer and educator, the primary focus of her work is supporting the healing of earth and her people by teaching simple energy tools. She is an author and recording artist and  Jan’s visionary, interdisciplinary work as a change-maker and leader in the Divine Feminine field has caused her to take on many roles. Offering a unique new model for complete healing, Jan founded the Song and Spirit Center, Solara Center, and META Center.  Jan’s long-term mission to build a new foundation for healthcare and Eco-Communities that can be replicated in communities worldwide has led her to establish the SOAR Initiative for Women’s Leadership. A leading force of the shifting paradigm, Jan and her unique vision are a focal point for community transformation. She developed a Being Light Coaching program with worldwide clients. She teaches them to be masters of their own energy to heal and create. She recently added Intentional Creativity painting to her tool kit and received her Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology with a focus on Voice Release, a scientific spiritual method to release fear from the body.

learn more about Jan and her projects Here at this link

Enjoy the Mary Magdalene Anthem Here

Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour

Birthing the Light from Within

“The Holy Spirit directed me to a sound journey with Jan. Her singing releases all my tension and relaxes me like I have never experienced in my life. My voice bio and sound journey were amazing. I feel it deep inside of myself so much that it brings tears of joy to my eyes. The sound bath was beyond what words can express. I was re-born and filled with rapture, peace, and delight. I did not want the state of blessedness to end.” —Pat, Voice BioAnalysis client

  I have been enjoying the expanded, amazing benefits of our second session together and wondered if I could schedule another, as I continue to rise UP and through, and my art, oh my art is turning too and moving into a  very high place. My body craves these sessions; it’s better than massage, in a way. Spiritual soulfood that has has physical lasting vibrations. Thank you so much.  Kat, Oakland Ca

My audience loved Jan Jorgensen’s compelling presence! Warm-hearted and clear, she created a genuine connection with the audience and between audience members. She was interactive and the energy in the room was rich and vibrant. What I loved about Jan was how she embodied what she taught, in every moment! I got such wonderful feedback from the audience after the event, I will truly be honored to have Jan Jorgensen on our stage again. – Jessica Hadari Founder, FEM Talks Alliance of Women Leaders, Healers & Educators