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Wednesday Free Meditation Be the Light Videos with Jan Jorgensen

Sound and Light Healing Arts


Join Jan for a LIVE free  Meditation

every Wednesday morning at 9:00am pst

join the Chat Room at 9:00 by using this link:

  • Join like-minded people to work with the “next step” personally and globally
  • Practice going into silence and communing with Source
  • Experience deep relaxation as you get clarity on your own Truth
  • After the themed meditation we open the zoom to comments and sharing


BEFORE the session…. download the Zoom program at:

Learn the Basic Meditation Process and run on yourself anytime!
These Chats are visually recorded

Jan’s Library of Video Chats

Our Menu of Topics du Jour!!  or just go to the YouTube Channel and Subscribe

Recent Videos:

Hope & Joy in Uncertain Times | Tools for Staying Afloat June 2024

Don’t Let Low Energy Hold You Back! (5 Minute Power Nap Meditation) May 2024

Connect with the Divine: Sedona Wednesday Meditation May 2022

Divine Path Meditation: Embrace Change & Find Clarity May 2024

Unlocking Growth Through Uncomfortable Feelings April 2024

Find Your Inner Light: A Guided Meditation April 2024

Awaken Your Power & Potential: Guided Meditation April 2024

Mindfulness Mediation for Beginners: Self Awareness Through Meditation April 2024

The Unexpected Power of Softness March 2024

A Step into I AM December 2023

Cities of Light Explained  November 2023

Ashland Meditation…Who are we Now?  November 2023

Taking Flight  October 2023

Dissolving Resistance  September 2023

Going with the Flow Meditation September 2023Green White Illustrative Christmas Greeting Instagram Post

The Heart of Hawaii and Morphine Time 2023

Meditation September 2023

Where is the Best Place for you to be, 5 years from now? August 2023

Community, Community, Community August 2023

Day on and Day off and why it works  August 2023

Truth and Lies  August 2023

About those UFOs!   July 2023Be the Light

Courage July 2023

One Conscious Moment at a Time July 2023

Meditation Everywhere, All At Once July 2023

Healing Our Spine July 2023

Tools to Be the Light June 2023

Heaven Descends INTO us  June 2023

What is Next?  Be Happy  June 2023

Connecting with your Guides  May 2023Living with Nature in Grace and Harmoney Message and Affirmation

The State of Grace that is Fearless April 2023

Overcoming Obstacles Easily April 2023

NY State of Mind, not really April 2023

Unpack your Story and Memories  Nov 2022

Get on the Bus NOW!  Nov 2022

Holding a Sense of Trust within the Unknown  Nov 2022

The Journey Home  Oct 2022

Entering Zero-Point  Oct 2022

What is an “Alien” anyway? Are YOU from Heaven Oct. 2022

Release All that no longer Serves you Oct. 2022

The Black and White of it   Sept. 2022

Be A Shooting Star Sept. 2022

ReAttune to Joy Aug 2022

Choosing what to do without a Real Plan Aug 2022

Plugging into the Big Light Grid  Aug 2022

De-Structure Yourself Safely and Live out your Dreams! Aug 2022

Living your Highest Dream  July 2022

High Vibrations Meditation  July 2022

Spiral of Light 16x20 $450

Spiral of Light
16×20 $450

Keep your Heart Open!   July 2022

Frequency Activation July 2022

Doors Opening and Closing Meditation   July 2022

Our Best Choice is, Always, To Raise our Vibrations June 2022

Keep your Boat Afloat and Right Action June 2022

Full of Grace  May 2022

Holding the Light at All Times  May 2022

How are you Showing Up Today? 5-2022

Healing Our Cells  4-2022Live from your Heart

Heart Out of the Box 4-2022

Finding Trust 4-2022

Mastering Nothingness  4-2022

Death and Rebirth 3-2022

Embody the divine Mother 3-2022

You don’t have to be Perfect to Lead 3-2022

Tools for Transformation 2-2022

Re-Claim your Crown and discharge the Corona Virus Energy 2-2022

Zero Point from the Future  2-2022

Back from the Future Meditation 2042   2-2022

Quantum Future Envisioning Introduction Meditation  1-2022Gradient Summer Collection New Arrival Instagram Post-1

Sound Healing Temple Meditation 1-2022

Healing the Nervous System: Fall 2021

Spoken word with guitar: The End of Experiment 1-22

#3 Lifting the Final Veil of Fear

#2 How to Release Fear 12-21

#1 How to Release Fear 12-21

Let go of Stress  12-21                          Release Fear and your Voice 2022

Speak your Truth Freely NOW.…11-21

Feeling Safe feeling Really FREE  11-21

Q and A and Meditation  11-21

Be Outrageous and Create!  11-21

Go to the Future to Understand Today  11-21

Be a Lighthouse, not Rescue Boat, role re-casting 10-2021

Divine Plan Update 10-2021

The Movie of Earth  10-2021Jan Jorgensen

Release like the Tree Releases Leaves  9-2021

Finding the ROAR of your Voice  9-2021

The Seven Steps and Going all the Way Up 9-2021

Be Lighter like a Ninja  9-2021

On Earth and Heaven at the Same time  8-2021

What are you working on this week?  8-2021

Just BE the Light  7-2021

It’s ok to Take a Break and Reflect   7-2021

A SOAR Conversation and Meditation  7-2021

No Whining, BE the Light  7-2021

Your Personal Journey and the Divine Plan timing    6-21

Dismantling the Old Structure that are not Humane  6-21

We are Late in the Game 5-21

Time and Space Acceleration 5-21

Rosy Future 9x14" $160

Rosy Future 9×14″ $160

The Breath of Grace 5-21

The Beauty Principle 5-21

Finding your Dashboard  4-21

Creating Feminine Sacred Space 4-21

That Magic Minute!  3-17-21

Plant your Seed of Intention 3-3-21

Re-Defining Reality  2-10-21

The Other Side of Anger 2-3-21

Become a Well of Truth 1-27-20

A NEW Day…Inauguration  1-20-2021

Enter the Garden, When it Rains it Pours Jan 2021

Wash Away the Past  January 2021

Forget Perfect, it limits you!  12-20Be the Light With Jan Jorgensen

Solstice “Big Light” shows us everything  12-20

Solstice Birthing “Lightening” Phase  12-20

Being in two Places at Once 12-20

Prioritizing with Jan 12-2020

Zero Point and Expansion go together  11-2020

Change the Story, Change the Outcomes  11-2020

Post Voting Day 2020, we realize we are not from Around here!    11-2020

Find a Nice Deck and Chill   10-2020

Time to BE the Light NOW  10-2020

Opening the Hourglass bottleneck over your Crown Chakra 10-20

Tired of Earth? Take a Trip Home  10-2020

Clarity on your WILL and Creating 9-2020

Easing Sadness and Anger by Rising Above it 9-2020rainbows and clouds

Creatively Uplifting during the Pandemic   9-2-2020

Help for when you Hit the Wall 8-20

Hello Butterfly on Mary Magdalenes Feast Day July 2020

Receiving Abundance and Money  July 2020

Meditation for Staying Calm July 2020

Divine Timing   June 2020

Interdimensional Trip June 2020

Forgiveness Meditation  May 2020

Forest for the Trees  May 2020

Getting Clarity through the Din May 2020

Paint the New World during the Pandemic  April 2020

You are of the Infinite Universe April 1, 2020

Dark and Light Duel…or Natural Evolution?   March 2020IMG_2008 2

Meditation during the Pandemic March 2020

Pandemic….the energetics of it  March 2020

The Best of Times from the Worst of Times_March 2020

Past Videos…….

August 12, 2015  Becoming Lighter Meditation August 19, 2015

Being” is the New “Doing” Meditation August 23, 2015

Eye and World of Truth 16x20 $325

Eye and World of Truth 16×20 $325

The Impermanence of Life  September 2015:

Releasing Loss and Grief  September 30, 2015

Finding the Right Coach for Healing Practitioners October 14, 2015

Stilling Your Mind    (audio only)

Releasing Co-Dependent Relationships  October 28, 2015

Making Peace with Change, Forgiving your Mistakes   November 4, 2015

Queen Bee…Divine Feminine Positive Archetype    November 11, 2015

Choosing your Vibration  November 26, 2015Renne Le Chateau Tour to France

Healing the Judgement and Separation Within Ourselves   December 3, 2015

Finding our own Perfect “Mother” Energy within    December 9, 2015

Empty Out to make “Space” for the New  December 30, 2015

Flowing with the Feminine Energy of Source, Making Peace with the Masculine!  Jan 5, 2016

Releasing the Blues and Depression  January 13, 2016

Taking your Heart out of the “Box” Meditation  January 22, 2016

Releasing Anger   January 27, 2016

Ending the Separation from Source February 5, 2016

Expansion is the Goal…Releasing Contraction Feb 17, 2016IMG_9224

The Aging Process is a Choice! Feb 24, 2016

Going for the Gold Within March 2, 2016

Aligning with your Essence to Dissolve that old Issue  March 9, 2016

Releasing the Last Remnant of your Shadow Pattern   March 16, 2016

When you Dread Something, New Approaches to Take!   March 23, 2016

How to Communicate when you feel Unsafe   March 30, 2016

Waking up and filling your Cup before you begin your day  April 6, 2016

Releasing Anger and Rage Safely   April 14, 2016Screen shot 2014-07-28 at 5.02.24 PM

How Music and Sound Effect Your Energy Field   April 20, 2016

Embracing Contrast at the Juice of Life   April 26, 2016

Remain in your Knowing in a Very Mixed Up World!  May 5

Restore when you are Tired!  May 11, 2016

Letting Your Heart Guide You   June, 2016

Embodying your Truth  June, 2016

Travel to the Future thru Meditation  July 2016

Going up the Ladder of Higher Frequencies and Back   August 2016

Letting your Body be the Circuit Board for Higher Frequencies for Earth   August 2016

Trusting your OWN Truth   August 2016

The Vision in your Heart Coming Alive    September 2016

Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 11.42.39 AM

The Alligator Pit and your Fears   September 2016

Facing your BIG issue and Releasing!  October in NY

Pouring Love Through to to the World   October 2016

Releasing your Old Scripts    November 2016

The Election and Disappointment    November 2016

Aligning with Space and Time Within  November 2016

How to Enjoy your Holidays    November 2016small copy

The Vibration of Patience!   December 2016

Becoming Light   from Nevada city

Rainbow Bath of Light all the Time   December 2016

The Surprise Healings and Timings  January 2017

Bumping up your Vibration during Transitional Times  January 2017

A New Spoke of Energy…for the earth and you!    Feb 2017

Creating a Restorative Imaginary Space to Replenish!  April 2017        IMG_1111

Setting Your Day up for Success and Alignment  April 2017

Release the Drama  May 2017

How to Stay Happy in a Merry-Go-Round World May 2017

You ARE in the perfect Place   May 2017

Keeping Your Energy Field Clear  June 2017

Wednesday Morning Meditation  July 2017

 Three things that open the gate to authenticity

Three things that open the gate to authenticity

Meditation Du Jour    July 2017

The Roar of Women’s Voices Awakening   August 2017

Taking a Mini-Vacation thru Meditation    October 2017

Staying Aligned amid the Chaos  November 2017

Stating your Truth will set Us all Free  November 2017

Re-Wind Your Energy when the Spool Empties  December 2017

Dealing with Disappointment  December 2017

Choosing items to focus on, Life is a smorgasbord!  December 2017

Think you are not perfect and it Annoys You?  Think Again  Feb 2018

What Message does PAIN have for us?   June  2018

Know Where you ARE and COULD Be!  June 2018

Art is Light…What is YOUR artform?   June 2018

De-Clutter and find Calm  July 2018           Just Jan at the Just Jan Set at Mountain Temple in Nevada City

More De-Clutter, now Upgrade!  Aug 2018

Embrace Your Issue and find Calm  Aug 2018

Getting Clarity on the Deeper Issues  September 2018

Getting to the Core of your Issue 

our earth has sent out an SOS and of course the angels came! and others!

our earth has sent out an SOS and of course the angels came! and others!

October 2018

You ARE Good Enough   October 2018

Release Shame  October 2018

The Power of Love  December 2018

The REAL Holiday Spirit Met  December 2018

Light your Light in 2019  December 2019

The God Frequency…January 2019

Forget Perfectionism…Embrace the Excellent Adventure  January 2019

Dealing with Difficult People   January 2019

RELAX   January 2019

Releasing Heaviness  January 2019

Getting to Be You   February 2019

Garden of Eden in your Heart Feb 2019

Getting an Inner Best Friend March 2019

Eye and World of Truth 16x20 $325

Eye and World of Truth 16×20 $325

Patience and Connection  March 2019

Tend the Garden, be Patient!  April 2019

Restore and Receive   May 2019

Disappointment #2   May 2019

Stilling the Mind  May 2019

Living Between the Paradigms  July 2019

Release Distraction to See your Best Choice  July 2019

Keep Going and Stay Young!  July 2019

Finding Your Beloved  July 2019

Upping the Magic in your Life  August 2019

StillPoint is the Trampoline to Higher Consciousness  September 2019

Patience on the Spiritual Path   October 2019

Releasing Attachment as Parents Part 1     November 2019

Releasing Attachment as Parents Part 2   November 2019

Basic Healing Meditation Video  November 2019Screen Shot 2019-05-12 at 9.55.50 AM

Giving Thanks November 2019

Keeping Your Vibration Up  Jan 2020

YOU can create with Source NOW  Jan 2020

Understanding Truth Jan 2020

Become an Instrument of Source  Feb 2020

Vibrational Upgrades are Resilience for Health  Feb 2020




What we do on the Calls…. for the first 30 Minutes Jan leads a Powerful meditation based on a theme. Each theme is related to our Everyday Lives.  Through a simple process called the Be the Light Meditation we simple breathe and re-pattern ourselves. People find they are more relaxed and feeling blissful as the session progresses!  Then, we take questions and have an interactive opportunity for healing and education. Join us for a wonderful time for ourselves to re-set and heal. Every Becoming Light activity has a core of the 3 Point Be the Light meditation Process that protects your energy field and allows you to bring in beautiful High frequency healing energies. This is how the ancients healed and we can do it easily. Time to apply the Becoming Light “Bliss Ball” on your everyday quagmires, problems, and confusions. A vibrationally based process, we simply use our consciousness to command in an orderly 3 step process how to smooth and shift the most significant areas in our lives.

Previous Videos Available with the Becoming Light Circle

Overcoming Perfectionism

Beginners Mind and Going with the Flow Creating Your Environment to Raise your VibrationIMG_9224 Our Physical Body Letting the Light Come through you How to stay Grounded when your Life feels like a Roller Coaster How to Deal with Dissonant People Dealing with Disappointment  Living with the Divine Feminine in Everyday Life Passion for your Life and Being

On another site  there is a 30min meditation that is is available at: Be the Light Recordings Library   3 Point Be the Light Holon of Balance IMG_7775 new-sign