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Guidebook Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards and pdf link

Guidebook for the Be the Light Cards on this Page!

Here is the link if you’d like to download:  Guidebook Download PDF

Welcome Video HERE

How to use the Cards Video HERE



 Black, White, and Red Flowers Anzac Day Quote Facebook post-1

Copyright C 2023 by Jan Jorgensen
All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright
This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an
information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without
written permission from the author, Jan Jorgensen.
This work is solely for personal growth, education and recreation. It is not a
therapeutic activity, such as psychotherapy, counseling, or medical advice, and it
should not be treated as a substitute for professional assistance. In the event of
physical or mental distress, please consult with appropriate professionals. The
application of protocols and information in this book is the choice of each reader,
who assumes full responsibility for his or her understands, interpretations and
results. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for the actions or
choices of any reader.
Be the Light – Divine Alchemy Divination Cards
Edited by Katie Cercone
Cards and Cover design by Jan Jorgensen
Printed in the U.S.A.

Order a Deck of Cards on Deckible App – Digital Deck

Praise For Jan:  Be the Light Divine Alchemy Divination Cards

My feeling of connection to you and Divine Guidance is stronger than many of the lessons you’ve spoken to me. I appreciate the simple and direct message they convey. They give me pause to see how I’ve related to the message in the past, present and future.   Joey J 2023

Testimonial for Author

from Pam Douglass Smith, Unity Minister of Port Townsend 2023

If you want a truly spiritual companion to assist you in evolving your soul and expressing your deepest callings, Jan Jorgensen is one to trust.  As a Unity Minister and Spiritual Pilgrimage Tour Guide, I’ve met many individuals with a wide variety of gifts and of clarity in their expression.  Jan not only has amazing talents but continues to evolve and integrate them.  Most of all, she listens to Spirit as she lovingly connects with others in authentic service through her sound healing, music, art and meditations.  In both private and group settings, she is truly a channel of Love and Light in these times of evolutionary shift for us both personally and globally.  If you have an opportunity to spend time with this dedicated Sister of Spirit, gift yourself with it.  It will bless you and send you forth to bless others.



I dedicate this book and set of cards to all seekers who wish to heal and shine their divine light. I thank and dedicate this project to the Intentional Creativity Painting training with Shiloh Sophia, my dear friends and all the women I have met on the Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour. Together, we are illuminating Brighter ways to live.



I wish to thank Visionary Caroline Cory for teaching me the energy processes. My children for being so supportive and understanding even when they weren’t sure what I was really doing. Christy Michaels for being a steadfast Divine Feminine sister, Aubyn for attending the Be the Light Meditations consistently for five years, all of my previous and future clients. I wish to acknowledge the women who support other women in their endeavors, Jessica Hadari of the Queens Circle, Sahar Nafal of the Bright Side of Life, DeAnna Williams, Aimee Lyndon Lyons,  Lisa Young and so many others in my inner circle of kindred spirits. Thank you to my partner Rick for the love and support and also to my sisters and brothers for being such a great family. Kimberly Marooney of Gateway University for walking the distance to the doctorate with me.

I truly feel these cards and book are a combination of the best things I learned from each of you and I offer these cards back to you in love and gratitude.

Order a Deck of Cards to use on your Device


Table of Contents                                                           Page

Dedication and Acknowledgements                                       2

Overview of Be the Light Cards                                             6

Introduction to the Cards                                                        7

How to Use the Cards                                                             8

How the Cards Work                                                             11

Listing of Card Names and Categories                                 11

About the Author                                                                  14

About the Paintings                                                               14

Guidebook for Cards (see below)

Know Thyself

  1. Your Timeline from birth to now                               16, 17
  1. Remembering your Divine Blueprint                         18, 19
  1. Re-claiming your Potential                                         20, 21
  1. Moving on from Drama, Trauma                               22, 23
  1. Finding your Zero Point thru Meditation                   24, 25
  1. Connecting with Source by Listening                        26, 27
  1. Finding Joy Again                                                       28, 29
  1. Your Next Best Step                                                    30, 31

 Health and Healing

  1. Healing the Spine and Nervous System                      32, 33
  1. Healing the Emotional Body                                       34, 35
  1. Healing the Heart from Betrayal                                 36, 37
  1. Healing the Endocrine system                                    38, 39
  1. Healing Control issues                                                40, 41
  1. Healing Autoimmune issues                                       42, 43
  1. Healing Anger and Grief                                             44, 45
  1. Healing the Mental Body                                            46, 47

 Relationship Cards

  1. Loving yourself                                                          48, 49
  1. Intimate Connection                                                   50, 51
  1. Family Healing                                                           52, 53
  1. Community Cohesion                                                 54, 55
  1. Communication                                                          56, 57
  1. Your place in the Universe                                         58, 59
  1. Forgiveness                                                                 60, 61
  1. Meeting Others in Resonance                                     62, 63

Mission and Work

  1. Defining your unique Gift                                           64, 65
  1. Imagining it all working out                                        66, 67
  1. Attracting the Resources you need                              68, 69
  1. Finding your Tribe of Kindred Spirits                         70, 71
  1. The Perfect Service in an Imperfect world                  72, 73
  1. Removing Perceived Obstacles to Success                 74, 75
  1. Standing in your Power                                               76, 77
  1. Feeling Calm, Trusting and Peaceful                           78, 79

Global Transition

  1. We are One                                                                    80, 81
  1. Ending Hunger                                                              82, 83
  1. Ending separation from Source Globally                      84, 85
  1. Finding your role in the Divine Plan                             86, 87
  1. Speaking Truth to Authority                                          88, 89
  1. Being sustainable, resilient and afloat                           90, 91
  1. Living with Nature in Grace and Harmony                   92, 93
  1. Pledge for everyday living choices in the light             94, 95

Divine Feminine Leadership

1. Be a Visionary                                                                     96, 97

1. Live from your Heart                                                           98, 99

  1. Follow your Passion                                                  100, 101
  1. Call in the Angels                                                      102, 103
  1. Own your Authority                                                   104, 105
  1. Commune with Divine Mother                                  106, 107
  1. Find your Voice of Light                                            108, 109
  1. Be the Light                                                                110, 111


Be the Light

Divine Alchemy Divination Cards

Working with the Divine Feminine Principles of Creation

By Vibrational Healer Jan Jorgensen RN, MA, CMP, PHN

“Intentional Alchemy made easy”

About the 48 Divine Alchemy Cards:

Two-sided beautifully worded, embellished cards, 96 sides of beauty and impact

Side one:

  • Themed group listing
  • The card’s focus and title
  • Original painting

Side two:

  • Message for the Card
  • Affirmation

Guidebook:  (the Guidebook is below)

will help you understand each card more deeply. Use it often and learn how to apply the messages to your issue.

Each card is imbued with healing movement, potential and frequency for shifts. The top of the card features a Theme, or grouping and the bottom of the card is the actual focus. Within the center is an original painting chosen to match the card’s meaning.  You turn the card over and find the “message” that was channeled for you and an Affirmation. The Intentional Creativity Painting, developed by Shiloh Sophia, method of multi-dimensional layering involved with the image evolvement parallels your own inner veiling of feelings, truth and solutions.  Dive into the energetic pool of healing and transition inherent in these imprinted images. The layered energy will activate transformation within you as you visually gaze at the images and breathe into the feeling that emanates within. Access you intuition to deepen your experience as you let the guides open the truth that resides within and you strengthen your own inner knowing and guidance.

Take your time to allow the layers to meaning to emerge and do not rush to make quick assumptions or decisions as this is your time to slow down, drop in and receive higher guidance that is appropriate to your situation. The images were each personally placed into the editing mode and titles, images and colored were designed through the author to permeate the field of each card with intention and healing energy. They are in fact, medicine cards which pleases the author because she is a nurse, a public health nurse and this is the perfect way to bring you your direction, health, love and purpose in a way that is educational, insightful and inspirational all at once.

Though the message may appear to be the healing message only, within it lies the balancing to the very energetic imblance that relates to the situation. Ask yourself, how have I NOT been aware of this or bringing this to my life? How has being distracted or off my path not allowed me to be or see the energy of this card. Use the card explanations in this guide book to explore more deeply the potential meaning for you of each card and how it relates to you in this moment for this issue or situation.

Bless your Cards before each reading and clear after a reading.


Change your reality with “frequency shifting” art


  • Know Thyself                               8 cards
  • Health and Healing                     8 cards
  • Relationship                                 8 cards
  • Mission and Work                        8 cards
  • Global Transition                        8 cards
  • Divine Feminine Leadership       8 cards



Welcome to the World of Energy through colorful images painted with Intention.  You will learn not just a lot about yourself using these cards, but open to the power of intentional focus and “running” energy to shift things.  The world is catching up with what the intuitives know and have been doing with their ‘gifts” of working with energy for good outcomes.

These cards work on many levels.  First, you have come to the cards with an idea that you want to sharpen your direction or heal. So that’s working with your inner intention already. You are being drawn to the cards as a way to understand, go deeper and find some meaning to patterns and behaviors and make some new choices.  You already have investing your energy and resources toward good change.

Second, the images themselves have incredibly strong energy with the power of transformation within them. Each painting was done within a sacred space with a desire to shift or heal or express something.  We all share the same unified field so we are in fact, already connected while I was painting this and you planned to see it in the future for some aspect of shifting you have desired.  Every stroke, breath, and indication for this or that color is a nuance of a dance with the universal energy and when you look at it and behold it you also move into that same movement of the dance. You become one with the image and its original energy. We also share archetypes of human behaviors, expectations, disappointments and challenge. Therefore, these images play upon the very same archetypes that have driven or inspired your life as well. With each breakthrough in energy while painting the image you benefit from that same break-thru.  And you overlay your own emotional schemata and desires and it becomes a symphony potentized by both of us.

Third, You are prompted to take action often with each card. You are called to say the energy change and there are affirmations for each card as well. You will be engaged energetically with the entire process and also each set of cards goes deep into each area so you can be comprehensively addressing the various aspects of each topic.

You are re-creating your ow reality and that is the most powerful thing for you to know and learn. Your thoughts are corralled for awhile to be in charge with your heart informing your heart how to proceed.

You will be connected to the entire field of Be the Light work carried on by so many and specifically my approach with this wording and imaging. The reason I have created these cards is to help the Divine Plan become a reality for earth by working with individuals who are actually here helping the world have its transition. That is why there is an entire grouping called Global Transition so you can get clarification and get motivate to become the person you promised the creator you would be. You were born a bundle of potential and were shaped by so many formative forces that often were fear base and are not moving forward for humanity.

These cards can help you move towards reflection and re-stating YOUR pledges and direction to be part of the new Paradigm based on love and coherence.

Use the Cards every day and see how your thought patterns change. Seek other like-minded friends and use these cards as part of a conversation to support each other.


Jan Jorgensen RN, CMP, PHN, Rev, PhD

Visionary Energy Educator



How to use the Cards

Choose your focus or let it choose you

Let the Universe guide you


Method One

One Card Reading

  1. Ask one pressing Question

–  Shuffle, pick one card

–  Reflect on the image, Absorb the image visually, refer to this Guidebook for deeper information on the card

–  Feel into your visions or ideas on this theme

–  Personalize how it is related to you at this moment

  1. Turn the card over
  2. – Read the words, Read the Affirmation, write the affirmation down

-Take a photo with your phone.

– Place the card on your altar or a prominent space to reflect upon it.

     –   Make your intention related to the message you receive

     “I Ask and Intend to_____”

Method Two

Past Present and Future

Three Card Reading

  1. Think of an issue or question
  • Shuffle, pick three cards
  • Lay face up, painted images side, towards you, refer to the Guidebook  pdf or see below for deeper information on each card
  • The first card is related to your past
  • The second card is related to the present
  • The third card is your future
  1. Read the information on the back for each card and follow the energy of the message and its meaning for you personally
  1. Make a note in your journal, pause to reflect on the information or feelings it brings up
  1. Take a photo of the line-up


Problem Solution Cause

Three Card Reading

  1. Think of an issue or question
  • Shuffle, pick three cards
  • Lay face up, painted images side, towards you
  • The first card is related to your past
  • The second card is related to the present
  • The third card is your future
  1. Read the information on the back for each card and follow the energy of the message and its meaning for you personally
  1. Make a note in your journal, pause to reflect on the information or feelings it brings up
  1. Take a photo of the line-up



You Guide the process – Choose a specific card


Method Three

One Card Reading

  1. Study the Cards

– Choose the card deliberately that seems related to your present situation or  need

 – Absorb the image visually, refer to the Guidebook or see below for more information on this card

– Choose, define and refine your intention

– Make your intention

  “I Ask and Intend to _____”



How the Cards work, and how to work with the cards powerfully:

Your higher self always has the answers and directs you if you allow it. Using the cards allows access to the Voice of your higher self. When you read the words for the card be sure to “feel” and focus on the words as if they are actual energy to shift and know. You hold the power to re-create your reality through these cards. When you use your voice to say “I ask and Intend” imagine and feel it actually coming true and through you.

The Cards are created to emulate our sequential development from self to global and universal into expansion.  First, we learn to know thyself and then move into the health and healing we are seeking. Our drive to relate to others is our next task and then our human drive is for purposeful work related to our mission this incarnation. Our movement into the Global Transition realm is essential to reclaim your larger over-soul self. The future will be designed by the Voice of the Divine Feminine essence of Truth, Beauty and Love so that is the way, the path of action towards realization of the Divine Plan on earth for humans.

Energy follows potentials….you can read into each card powerfully with your intuition of the deeper message or meaning. It may not be immediate. Each moment holds a swath of infinite potentials and you are always the creator, at choice.  The way the cards work together also is an alchemy. Each card was created through spiritual guidance and know that while we invite you to not be controlled or inform your choices by the card, we do invite you to reflect, consider and ponder the wisdom and opportunity for growth each card, each word, each energetic prompt brings to you. YOU are the conscious being to discern and learn and grow. These cards do not direct or inform, they inspire inner-reflection and prompts of activation from a higher plane. One in which you are already whole, already awake and perfect.


Know Thyself

  1. Your Timeline from birth to now
  1. Remembering your Divine Blueprint
  1. Re-claiming your Potential
  1. Moving on from Drama, Trauma
  1. Finding your Zero Point thru Meditation
  1. Connecting with Source by Listening
  1. Finding Joy Again
  1. Your Next Best Step

 Health and Healing

  1. Healing the Spine and Nervous System
  1. Healing the Emotional Body
  1. Healing the Heart from Betrayal
  1. Healing the Endocrine system
  1. Healing Control issues
  1. Healing Autoimmune issues
  1. Healing Anger and Grief
  1. Healing the Mental Body

 Relationship Cards

  1. Loving yourself
  1. Intimate Connection
  1. Family Healing
  1. Community Cohesion
  1. Communication
  1. Your place in the Universe
  1. Forgiveness
  1. Meeting Others in Resonance

Mission and Work

  1. Defining your unique Gift
  1. Imagining it all working out
  1. Attracting the Resources you need
  1. Finding your Tribe of Kindred Spirits
  1. The Perfect Service in an Imperfect world
  1. Removing Perceived Obstacles to Success
  1. Standing in your Power
  1. Feeling Calm, Trusting and Peaceful

Global Transition

  1. We are One
  1. Ending Hunger
  1. Ending separation from Source Globally
  1. Finding your role in the Divine Plan
  1. Speaking Truth to Authority
  1. Being sustainable, resilient and afloat
  1. Living with Nature in Grace and Harmony
  1. Pledge for everyday living choices in the light

Divine Feminine Leadership

  1. Be a Visionary
  1. Live from your Heart
  1. Follow your Passion
  1. Call in the Angels
  1. Own your Authority
  1. Commune with Divine Mother
  1. Find your Voice of Light
  1. Be the Light



About the AuthorJan Jorgensen is a Registered and Public Health Nurse, holds a Masters Degree in Political Science with a Public Administration focus. She is a multi-faceted leader in the expanding field of Quantum Healing and a leader in the Divine Feminine Community.  An author, recording artist, professional singer, profound intuitive healer and educator, the primary focus of her work is supporting the healing of earth and her people by teaching simple energy tools. She is an author and recording artist and Jan’s visionary, interdisciplinary work as a change-maker and leader in the Divine Feminine field has caused her to take on many roles. Offering a unique new model for complete healing, Jan founded the Song and Spirit Center, Solara Center, and META Center.  Jan’s long-term mission to build a new foundation for healthcare and Eco-Communities that can be replicated in communities worldwide has led her to establish the SOAR Initiative for Women’s Leadership the the OZ Foundation.  A leading force of the shifting paradigm, Jan and her unique vision are a focal point for community transformation. She developed a Being Light Coaching program with worldwide clients. She teaches them to be masters of their own energy to heal and create. She recently added Intentional Creativity painting to her tool kit and received her Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology with a focus on Voice Release, a scientific spiritual method to release fear from the body in 2023.

About the Paintings:

The paintings are alchemically layered stories. Each canvas began with an intention or “mark” to create energetic movement in a realm of the author’s life. Some are the products of teaching sessions for the Intentional Creativity method of painting developed by Shiloh Sophia. The 13-layer process interweaves inter-dimensional aspects as well as conscious intentions towards, healing, resolution, or the creation of something beautiful beyond the original intention. The past, present and future are often painted in layers and the colors are intuitively chosen. No special techniques guided the artist, just intuition and a willingness to keep moving the paint brushes through emotional and mental blockages. So each painting holds a breakthru, or solution or resolution of an issue or problem.

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 1.16.36 PM


The Cards



  1. Your Timeline from birth to now

Note the many colorful paths that encircle this being on the cards. So busy and full of mental energy.  But now, take your attention to your third eye. Take a deep breath.

It is time to reflect upon the path your life has taken you on. Or have you guided your path with your will and followed spirit?  Can you see the beauty of the totality of what you have experienced?  What developmental milestone is coming to mind with this card?  We each enter this life with a pre-natal contract. We commit ourselves to learning the principles of life according to our consciousness and what it needs to expand. Have you been true to this path? Have you used your Voice for good, to speak up for yourself and ask for what you need?  Why or why not?  You can heal this beginning now.

What parts of your Story are you willing and Ready to Release?  Have you outgrown your feelings and images of yourself in some way.  It is time to to take stock and appreciate all you have experienced  and yet, some parts might not be supporting you moving forward.



  1. Remembering your Divine Blueprint

Ultimately, it is for you discover the structure and magic of the Universe living and working through you. Have you accepted that you ARE a divine soul here with specific experiences to have that support the earth and her people through you? This card brings up your destiny and how you are living it. Your Divine Blueprint holds the gifts you are bringing for this lifetime, are you aware of them and using them?  In what ways are you playing it small and resisting your destiny?  Can you imaging you are a visitor here from heaven, having a body for awhile or are you so involved with day to day busyness you have forgotten your true path and purpose?  Or have you been so involved with spiritual things you are not balancing the aspects of your life with a healthy dose of grounded-ness and joyful relationships?

To live a full successful life as a human we must know we are playing a game here, theatrical roles, and while they are not so terribly serious, what we do counts. What we think counts. Are you living up to your potential?  This is an invitation to see the bigger picture of who you are, where you are from and how your life has intrinsic meaning.



  1. Re-claiming your Potential

Do you remember the excitement you felt as a young person that you could actually DO things? Sing a song, write a paper, execute something that brought out your unique potential? Remember how good it felt?  It’s time to reclaim that spark of joy. Have you been distracted from your own life?  How has money or caring what others think taken you off your core?  This cards image holds a bright being who exudes a secret for happiness?  How have you left some part of yourself behind in the story of your life? When you are IN your life using your unique gifts you glow and when you hold your best vibration your aura will actually have a halo!

Imagine your life full of exuberance and joy. Nobody else can fill your shoes and do it for you. Find small ways to bring more passion and creativity into your day and life. Smile.   Play.   Dance.  Do senseless things that get your heart pumping. Take a risk. Say yes. Be you. All the way.  Read the message on this card and take it to heart.  Learn to live your life with no regrets. Stay open to the magic from your first to your last breath.


Moving on from Drama Trauma

  1. Moving on from Drama, Trauma

Are you tired of the confusion, anguish and all the while exhausting your body, resources and relationships? The images of this card show you the effects of constant drama. Fatigue and weariness.  Everyone tries out this pattern sometimes in their life and it’s good for you to acknowledge it does not have to be this way. Has someone been inviting you to stay in drama?  What part of you is asking for healing so you can escape these draining patterns?  A little drama is fine, but take an overall inventory of how much time you spend feeling calm and centered and hopeful and how much time you are distrusting life and letting it drain you. It’s time to take a stand and re-orient yourself or set some boundaries with others who are inviting you into their chaos.

No matter your childhood or experiences, you can choose to heal and find your serenity and peace.  Find more peaceful people and activities to spend time with. Adjust your diet and external life to support inner peace. Find a comfortable meditative practice. Enjoy being outdoors and walking with measured steps and breath.  Your body, family, and higher self will thank you for being more mindful and calm. A change is being called for or perhaps someone you know has taken you off your center, or the world’s problems are keeping you tense. You can exist peacefully amid the chaos. Discover how this card and topic has meaning for you by taking an inventory on your emotional states. Choose what you want to experience moving forward.




  1. Finding your Zero Point thru Meditation

There are few roads to contemplative enlightenment.  Coming to a place of “stillness” is the path to freedom and understanding what the spiritual path is all about. How are you mastering this?  Are you unable to still your mind?  How can you commit yourself to quieting down and going within? What is distracting you? Who is distracting you?  Only you can make the choice. When you find your Zero Point you can access the truth of all that is. You can heal your body and find the secrets of the Universe. It is time to choose and commit and do. Meditation is elementary to your spiritual path, the fundamental aspect. You cannot arrive at your inner still-point of self-knowing without mastering this step. Be patient. But choosing this card is a message that it is perhaps time to say yes to this self-discipline and enjoy the benefits of self-mastery.



  1. Connecting with Source by Listening

Have you been mindful of your connection to your higher guidance?  It is time to listen, or consider the placement of this card and how has not listening been part of the issue?  Guidance is available to us but we must turn off our thinking and listen with our inner ears. Re-train your brain frequencies to the quiet zone. The loving presence of spirit is subtle. You can only be present with source if you still your mind to allow and receive. Are you present to much doing-ness? The Universe exudes an exquisite music, a resonance that you cannot hear when you are busy or thinking too much. Take a deep breath and let go. Reside in the hammock of the safety of spiritual calm and find peace with the void of nothingness. THEN you can connect with source. By Listening with all your heart.




  1. Finding Joy Again

When is the last time you felt giddy with joy?  If you have lost touch with your Joy you must find it. Is it time to get off the merry-go-round and find your own inner compass?  Has life taken on a heavier feeling, or is someone or something taking you far away from your joy center-point? It is not selfish to seek joy, true joy that comes from a deep sense of knowing you are in the right place with the right people doing the right thing. You can can find joy in work, play, or tedious tasks. Joy is a state of beingness that transcends the situation. It is choosing a resilience beyond the external that commands the emotional body to establish a high set-point for enjoying every moment.

Pleasure seeking can be an addiction while holding the vibration of JOY is a divine principle to be attained. Do you have any inner limitations or perceptions that limit your level of joy?  Explore what joy means to you and rather than jump into some activity to attain it, find it within yourself as an attitude. An attitude of anticipatory happiness. Notice the bright colors and celebratory feeling of this card. Movement, passion, fun within sense of purpose and place bring a true, lasting joy no matter the circumstances. Can you find your Joy?




  1. Your Next Best Step

Notice the images….she is not fully solid….she is in the in-between stage. This card is about deciding. Committing through discernment and evaluation. Sometimes we can’t see the next best step, or we missed it. What speaks to you when you feel into this card regarding your question or issue?  Is life calling upon you to decide, to take a leap or being the process to make a move. Sometimes the next best step can be tiny. And to really hear the guidance for the next BEST step it is important to quiet your mind and receive the guidance of your higher self. Perhaps you are in a questioning period and not knowing what is next? Take your time, slow down and don’t let anyone else or anything rush you.

This card is not about taking the next step, it is about taking the BEST next step. That step or action would be in complete alignment with your soul purpose and helps you check off those life boxes you hold inwardly.  Meditate on the choices. Nobody else can tell you, but they can support and advise you. Only you get to decide. Take heart, life is an adventurous journey of moving forward on our path and then some zig-zagging. Making decisions after a full contemplation and consideration of all that is involved is the best you can do. We learn as we take steps. Enjoy the journey, you cannot evade the steps so master the process of choosing for the greatest level of happiness.




  1. Healing the Spine and Nervous System

Our nerves set our emotional field and perhaps you are feeling a lack of order within your body or are experiencing physical symptoms related to your Nervous System? How can adding calm and less reactivity to your body help you with your question or issue?  Has anger or feeling stressed added to your mis-alignment? Each vertebrae represents a specific frequency or musical note and governs various organs and systems so if you are feeling out of tune with health, it’s time to focus on your nerves, spine and brain alignment.

You have the power to heal yourself and the first step is to identify stressors within your life..people, environments, or foods that inflame or confuse your system. Is someone or something getting on your nerves? Has stress contributed to the issue at hand?  Stress weakens the entire body and you can heal the effects by ramping down your receptivity for reaction by calming and slowing down your neurological activity. Take a break and reflect on your magnificent nervous system. Feel it slowing, calming and regenerating. Imagine the impulses for health and wellness flowing through you unimpeded. See the wires of nerves re-weaving to be insulated and calm from the frazzling fray of life and other people. Healing the Emotional Body



    2. Healing the Emotional Body

Our emotions are our greatest gift as humans and our achilles heel. Do you have issues with your emotional regulation or do have you set up barriers to feeling? Perhaps you are in a struggle emotionally within a relationship or other arena. To sort and master your emotions is to master life. Are you being reactive and not contemplative? How can you take steps to understand the source of your emotions and begin to release triggers and sparking the creates even more problems. There are many challenges in life and learning to stay calm and ride our emotional crests without drama is a huge task. It is within the spiritual path to study and learn about emotions. Can you relate to the message this card is bringing to you?  It is time to look into your emotional patterns and make some decisions, choices and plans around remediating any limiting patterns. It is a part of being human.

Healing Betrayal


  1. Healing the Heart from Betrayal

The heart pain of betrayal can haunt us and put fear around our heart to love again. How have you been betrayed by another or by yourself? Where did the trust break and how is is impacting your choices, emotions and day to day life?  Imagine moving forward with a light heart, free of betrayal. Can you release the grief and anger and choose to live fully again?  All humans experience betrayal and it is our task to overcome it. To identify it, release and heal the vibrational residue that clings to our heart, voice and mind.  It is a necessary breaking down of the membranes of our heart so we can let more love in. Accept the betrayal, the betrayer and yourself as part of a human divine theater to learn more about LOVE.  To love is to risk betrayal. Healing and rising beyond the pain is a choice. Are you ready?

Sometimes the layers of pain are so dense we need to ask for help. Ask for the mother energy, or the loving energy of those who are there for you to witness your release through talking, artwork or sacred ritual. It is a passage to release the grief of betrayal. A necessary one to be whole and happy again.



  1. Healing the Endocrine system

If you have been feeling “off” with low energy or physical issues often your endocrine system is involved. Perhaps your whole body has gone through a shock or has experienced prolonged stress? Or you have been wondering where your feeling of well-being has gone?  Or perhaps your blood sugar level fluctuates? Or someone you know related to your own issue has some imbalances that need healing?  The endocrine system is a network of glands and organs that produce and release hormones to control and regulate many bodily functions. It works silently as it creates health and balance for you. Too little or too much of any chemical or hormone throws you off balance and you might be somewhat out of sorts.

During extreme progress in the spiritual awakening process the “pineal” gland located in the head awakens and begins to operate more powerfully adding to intuitive insight and inner-sight seeing. Asking for complete and regular healing for your endocrine system stabilizes your physical functions and creates more potential for harmonic endocrine system functioning and opening of the pineal gland.  Considering your “wholeness” and balanced mind and health is part of the construct of choosing this card.


Healing Control Issues

  1. Healing Control issues

Control, manipulation and inner angst issues are at play here within yourself or in relationship. The control is or has come to your attention and should. It’s time to identify and clear the old “power over activities” that occur consciously and subconsciously as you seek to free your soul on all levels. What or who is seemingly controlling you? Can you see it as a temporary occurrance or long time habit that simply by calling it out there is now movement to move beyond control to cooperation, collaboration and co-creation?  The old ways of controlling or keeping someone or something small are now being retired. How can you be the tool for this evolutionary change and what would it mean to you and your beloved(s)?

Hovering below all control are fear issues. Have you let go to let source guide you? Can you release the lock horns dance you night do with others or even yourself when wrestling with how to proceed or behave?  Is it time for you to advance beyond needing to control others for power or to compete for resources?  Consider the subtle ways control issues has impacted you and your life and how clearing control might give you the space and freedom you are seeking. You could become lighter! Read the cards message and use the affirmation often.




  1. Healing Autoimmune issues

Auto means coming from within. Is your body responding to some deep issue and becoming inflamed and congested? Is there a long standing issue that has taken awhile to understand and unwind? Know that even the deepest health issues can be reversed and healed when we lift the veils to see the anger, grief and inner angst working within our system. It is as if you may have been fighting against yourself in some way….by not honoring your own path or needs? Have you lots your inner guidance and ability to choose what you need and want and speak up about it?  An autoimmune disease is interwoven into the fabric of yours, or others being quite deeply. Yet, the healing path is clear and possible.  Claim your right to exist and command your thoughts, body and environment to respond to your truth. Is it time to find your authentic voice in it all?

Reflect on the card image. See the concern on her face and all the many flows of energy involved. Imagine the flows of your physical self and emotional self are becoming whole, healed and real. The important word here is REAL.  Be yourself. Know yourself. Begin the process of loving all that you are in this moment and who and what you are becoming. All shall be well.

  1. Healing Anger and Grief

You can’t BE light if you are holding long term anger. Where is your anger living? Have you expressed it in a healthy way? Holding anger serves no healthy purpose. See the pieces of the anger puzzle in the image and how they are often lingering below the relationship interchange, waiting to be unlocked and released. Each anger builds on another and becomes a set-point within the system. Are you seeking to forgive someone or something? Move towards forgiveness. Are you dealing with an angry flare-up presently in your life? Perhaps old grief and fear is fueling the anger? Would you like to take an inventory of your past angers and grief and begin to dismantle the energy of anger and grief that flares up in reaction and sadness and most importantly, evasion of new experiences of love and connection.

Anger and Grief hold a heaviness you may be seeking to be free of. What actions or words do you see would support you in moving forwards towards more heartfelt living with a fresh approach to each new situation?  It is time. The card is calling you into action to see, choose and change. Blessed Be.




  1. Healing the Mental Body

Too much thinking, analyzing and spending time on Tech can bring your senses and life to an unnatural place of dis-connection with the natural world. Are you finding time to unplug?  Is your job or environment too mentally stimulating or are others bringing their stories and fears to you relentlessly?  Are you able to set boundaries for yourself and others to spend time in nature?  Have you given too much weight to thought and not enough to intuition?  How can you reflect upon your inner state with accuracy if you are too busy thinking and re-thinking?  It is the modern curse to be beholden to left-brain thinking in our busy world. How can you find ways to balance yourself with right brain artistic out of the box activities?

A rigid body can be a sign of rigid over-thinking, controlling and planning. How can you methodically slow down your automatic hyper-vigilance and self-protection habits?  There is a whole world out there waiting for you to dive in. Let your intuition and wisdom guide you and put the over-active mind into it’s proper position of consultant and planning expert, not the administrator of your life. The ego driven mind can be softened and put to bed regularly to let your soul and body play and rest and restore.



  1. Loving yourself

Stand back and look at yourself and take an inventory of the level of love you hold for the being you are. Is it depleted? Are there parts of yourself not being embraced or judged? Have you let life and others dominate your own precious story? or perhaps you have taken a recent drop in self-love for some reason. The foundation for a happy life if love, beginning with your love of who you are. Do you want more love in your life or are you experiencing a feeling of lack of reciprocal loving relationships?  Look within. Are you comparing yourself to others or thinking you are less than in some way? Fill in that gap with the love that the creator holds for you. How you look and are is a combination of factors created for you to experience more love on your path.

Take every opportunity to strengthen self-acceptance and begin with exquisite self care. Nurture and honor yourself as you would a newborn baby. Protect, Provide and Plan for yourself a most successful future full of love. Find ways to delight yourself with simple acts of reverence and love for yourself and others throughout the day. Be love to attract love. Love yourself above all else as a divine being here to experience and expand love in all ways.



  1. Intimate Connection

Intimacy is available to all humans. You may be wanting to experience more or less connection. Are you resisting a deeper level of human intimate connection? Opening yourself to others takes courage and allowance and lots of trust. Are you able to trust yourself and relay on yourself as a forerunner to trusting others? Have you sufferred a recent hurt in this area? Sometimes our trust is broken and can be repaired with patience and love.  This card is helping you explore the connection and openness you are feeling with others, and even your own deeper emotions and presence. Connecting with others is a true gift and can be experienced in many ways on many levels.

Through trust and emotional maturity we can make honest choices of how to be with others and at what level. This card can open up your inquiry and help you look at your inventory of defenses or lack of boundaries so any repair work can begin to help you become strong, resiient, and open for new satisfying experiences. There are no rules you might feel, and others make their own. It is time for you to find your own way, your own guidance system of how and when to connect intimately. Enjoy the process of trying on new ways to communicate more deeply and connect physically in appropriate enjoyable ways.  Expanding your sense of self and your unlimited consciousness by stretching into more spaciousness, allowance and joy.



  1. Family Healing

The deepest growth occurs within a Family. Life-long connections with people were are biologically related to bring us an opportunity for compassion and unconditional love at every turn. Are you struggling with a family issue or inter-generational abuse or confusion? Perhaps it is time to dive into the thread and reclaim your ability to heal and shift the entire issue or historical situation. After all, you are an emissary of light from the Universe so why not begin with your own family. Can you allow the personal expression of each person in your family without judgement? How has labeling or resisting them worked for you?  Would it be safe to let them see the real you? Or would it be better to just be present and listen at times?  What is your role in maintaining any drama, trauma or secrets.

It is time to realize that all can be healed but not everyone wants to participate within that story or take responsibility. Would it work for you to focus on your own reaction and needs and decide your course accordingly?  The degree of focus and attention needed here is equal to the distress or confusion your family relationships are bringing you. The key is to make an intention to shift the patterns within yourself and be free. Then from this freedom you can radiate a presence that enhances everyone else’s sense of safety, comfort and ability to heal the best they can.




  1. Community Cohesion

We are raised by community and yet at some point we must define ourselves separately before we can become an integral valued member of society. Do you know yourself, your gifts and are they valuable to community? Have you been showing up authentically? Have you given more than you have taken or taken more?  How do you see yourself in community moving forward? Are you afraid to join community or are you dominating within community? We have a primary family, a neighborhood, a territory and finally our earth is a community itself. How can you join the flow of evolutionary transformation within cooperative community?  This card is calling you to contemplate your role and history in community.

The three foundations for a well-lived life are reltionship to self and our place in community. Perhaps community is the most important formative force in our self-concept. You can choose a new community or create one that resonates with your soul blueprint or stay within an existing one and change it by your honest participative presence. The future of mankind’s residence upon the earth depends upon our ability to create and sustain Cohesive Community. How can you play a part? What is calling you?




  1. Communication

How are your Communications going? Have you said what needs to be said? What are your limiting patterns or hesitancies to speaking your Truth calmly and confidently. It’s time to look at your style and what it is creating. Would you like to have smoother, closer relationships? You might want to discover new systems of communicating that are calm, fair and tried and true to serve the greater good. Most mis-understandings are communication break-downs. Spend some quiet time reviewing your style,  reactions and strengths in inter-persona communications. The card shows the being eyes wide-open calm,  willing to see the truth with a super cougar power of strength and speed when needed. At the throat we see flames to dissolve mis-truth and mis-construed communications allowing our throat chakra to be crystal clear and free of interfering influences and fears.

Healing Communication can re-set countries relations, home battles, beloved misunderstandings and out of boundary situations. The word has the power of a sword to sculpt new expectations and realizations. Most of us haven’t untapped the power of our voice to command reality and heal fractured social patterns. The rise and healing of the voice of the Divine Feminine is at the heart of planetary healing. This card invites you into your own school of “how do I communicate and how can I improve.”




  1. Your place in the Universe

Where IS your place in the universe? Have you realized you are a universal citizen residing on earth?  This card shows you the music of the universe sounding through you, the circuit board to re-sound heaven on earth. Have you been feeling separate from your larger self or have confusion about the bigger picture? How involved are you with the Divine Plan unfolding on earth?  Is it time for you to get clarity on your role and how to gain great participation in the unfolding plan? We were not raised to see or know our larger consciousness and it’s presence in all things, affecting all things. To being to understand the Quantum Field challenges all the facts we placed our reality on.

Are you ready to imagine that which you cannot see? Or maybe you have been so involved with the Divine Plan it has disturbed your eartly relations and activities to a great degree and you are seeking a balance of functioning here during the transition period. Take some time to delve into the question that resonates with you and expand to the greater truth  your soul already knows. Your intuition and meditation can support you in realizing the grand area you are operating within and your innate power to be a co-creator.



  1. Forgiveness

The fragrance of forgiveness is heavenly. It lifts the clouds, the clouds that limit our vision and expansion. No matter the person, the insult, the incidence, it is in our best interest to let it go. Forgiveness might be called for by drawing this card, or perhaps someone needs to forgive you. Do you resist forgiving and why?  Have you set boundaries so the same situation does not repeat itself continuing the pattern needing forgiveness. How can you take responsibility for this issue and see it as a growth prompt and everyone volunteered on your behalf to crack your heart open with forgiveness?  Witholding forgiveness increased the load on the heart and lungs and moves us into chronic illness. Forgive for your health. Forgive to be open to new experiences and people. What is it you need to forgive?  What do you need to taking the steps to forgive?

Continued withheld forgiveness creates separation and the inability to connect with others. Are you ready to move on and make space in your life and heart for something new? Then forgive. Find your own meaningful path of forgiveness so that it is deeply meaningful to you and makes a lasting impression. Let the process of forgiveness free you. Free others. It is a game changer and you have the power to forgive. Would you like to use this power?


Meeting Others in Resonance

  1. Meeting Others in Resonance

The card image shows a person listening intently. All of her faculties are open to receive and know others. Have you been so busy talking and doing you are not registering others frequency fields with sensitivity? Are you keeping an open energy field to see and sense them or are you planning, calculating and keeping out of even your own authentic resonance?  How would you like to meet others?  Can you imagine sensing into others calmly with your ears and auric field open? To meet another in true resonance it can be wordless shared energies or thoughts, or conversation or a shared activity. As social beings we can master the task of meeting others by letting go. Be breathing and staying present and empty for a bit. Then ask questions and be curious. Have you jumped to conclusions about a person or not given them a chance to be themselves.

Keeping your eyes, ears and heart open are the key to witnessing others being themselves. Trust them when they show you who they are. Watch what they do more than what they say. Allow them to emerge without containing them with your stories and pictures. How do these questions and this topic fit the card you pulled?  It is a very important self-reflection exercise to examine how we interact with, greet, and truly meet other humans in their natural resonance. It is a worthy goal.



  1. Defining your unique Gift

Do you have a crystal clear idea of your unique gift or gifts? Do you worry you are missing something, or have not addressed some potential gift you were meant to unfold?  Or perhaps you have defined your entire life around a powerful gift and are seeking more balance and less intense focus. This card brings up the idea that we each usually have one or a few outstanding talents or aptitudes and might have ignored them due to stress, family pressure or self-esteem challenges. It’s good to know we can chisel our gifts into satisfactory forms of deliverance to ourselves or others at any age. If you dive deep, you will know how it makes you feel to embody your gift.  But you won’t know until you dedicate yourself, make the time and experiment with it for awhile without giving up. You will feel better having attempted clarity on the issue. How you use this card depends on who the question is centered on. Is this for yourself, a beloved, a child or?

Each of us must test out the waters to develop our guests and a healthy amount of support and advice is comfortable, but each person must put in the work and have the desire to find and express their unique gift. It is a profound thing to witness a human find a true talent or interest that makes their hours fly by and produces fruits of music, art, events or whatever for others to enjoy and partake in. Or perhaps your unique gift is to just witness, explore your beingness. Whatever it is, do not wait for permission. Find your gift. What excites or draws you? Trust how you feel along this path. It’s your intuition talking. The image is of the author’s sister Martha. Her nickname if Martha Music and playing stringed instruments is her magic over decades of education, playing, tutoring, adjucating and conducting. She landed in and embraced her gift.



  1. Imagining it all working out

What you believe and expect is usually exactly what you get in your life. What are you thinking of? Success? Probems? Now relate this to your issue or why you pulled the cards. Can you imagine this situation resolving itself to the highest good? Can you allow it to evolve? Will you permit it to be so?  Your thought steer the ship. Yet, our habitual patterns and brain wave analysis say humans decide unconsciously even before the conscious decision is made. So examine your habitual expectations. Some people walk into a room and see a burner on with a lid and say, oh wonderful what is cooking and others might exclaim, what is burning up in that pan?  Do you foretell trouble with your programming? Or do you expect safety, calm and sanity and trust your world. This card helps you lean into your default process and see it for what it is. Do people generally say you are pessimistic or positive?

Often our fears come from other people. Be sure to protect your energy field from alarmists who project their luck onto you. As sensitive lightworkers it is vital to stay awake to the thoughts we have and how much we entrain with others.  By now you can imagine that it could be true that if you think things will work out, that is your mindset and they usually do. And if you have expected the worst scenarios, you can re-choose and re-set your sights and inner compass to more positive outcomes. Change comes from first addressing the situation and the energetic flows beneath it. This card asks you to discern which way your thinking leans. And then choose again if needed.


Attracting the Resources you Need

  1. Attracting the Resources you need

How has searching or grasping for resources impeded your journey or relationship? We all need money or resources and it is part of our self inventory process to discern how much and how to get it. When we mix resources with worthiness or self-sacrifice or losing our autonomy to a provider we feel red flags within. How can you balance out your needs and create ways to attain your resources in alignment with your journey, karma and desired outcomes. It is juggling act at times. Do you harbor jealousy or anger at others around money? Do you feel resources are scarce and must be competed for? Have you given up parts of yourself at a job or in a relationship to keep a roof over your head?  How does this card with the many questions fit your situation.

Money is energy. As you grow in your conscious ability to re-align your earthly material existence there are more and more opportunities to CREATE wealth through creative opportunities guided by spirit. Open to the voice of spirit and allow yourself to lift beyond your present belief system to allow magic. Yes, magical manifestation. It is within your realm and is honestly more natural than limiting yourself with confining beliefs. Allow this and the other cards to open your senses and spread your wings to great abundance and well-being. You already know that money does not make you happy, but the absence of material comfort is not necessary. This card invites you reflect upon your innate divinity and taking back your throne of autonomy, celebrating your natural ability to be cared for by the universal flow. There are no limitations, it is only our limited perception that keeps us contained.


Finding your Tribe of Kindred Spirits

  1. Finding your Tribe of Kindred Spirits

Not a one of us is alone. We are part of a lacy-like grid of zero points and even if you live alone in a cave you are still connected to everyone and all that is. This card is a heads up that you are seeking to be with like minded people and life your life among them. You are sorting and defining your values, goals and setting your rudder to live with kind, respectful people who mind their energy fields respectfully. Are you needing to re-evaluate or let go of some people? Are you migrating towards community living and seeking new ways to over-lap your life with people who are seeking what you are seeking to do and be? This is how our new world will be formed. Resonant bubbles of tribes. People who like the same things have affinity for each other and rather than enduring spending time together they enjoy life in their mutually shared expansion due to shared interests. Are you enjoying your life with your tribe?

Perhaps you have chose this card because this is a desire to find your tribe. Take the steps today to help yourself create the new reality so you can reap the rewards and not just think or talk about it. Imagine this, the other tribal members you are hoping to meet are waiting for YOU to find them?  Would you like to join a new club, or attend an event or do something on-ine that extends your bridge to your new tribe?  Enjoy the journey finding your true flock and you will soar as never before with them as you take charge of the potential futures with a firm hand on the rudder. Congratulations!


      5. Perfect Service in an Imperfect World   

You do your best to be in service but sometimes it feels unbearable. Things are chaotic, confused and jobs can be challenging demeaning and more. How do you keep going? How do you keep showing up for loved ones, or to take care of things in a complicated world? You have decided that it is your attitude and quality of contribution that counts. How you feel about yourself and what you are really up to is where you put your goal and self-esteem. Perhaps you are questioning your present role or position or wanting to give up. Yet you are also realizing that you are planted in a specific place to sometimes bring more light to that environment. It might not feel pleasant or easy, but there is a satisfaction knowing you have shown up in perfect service as you are guided by a higher power or boss than this reality.

Are you needing to deeply accept that this world is flawed and that people are human and imperfection is the normal? Can you keep your own inner standards and morals and work ethic irregardless of the prevailing attitudes? BEING the change you wish to see in your relationship, job or community is your highest best choice. How can you explore and discover your feelings, thoughts and perceptions about living in a duality separate from the divine realms?  Your continuing choice to show up in service in the way you deem correct will allow the New Paradigm to unfold in precisely the correct forms. Thank you for holding the integrity, grace and courage during this transition time for earth and her people.



  1. Removing Perceived Obstacles to Success

How creatively we plant obstacles within our perceptions!  Yet if we could see clearly we would understand our innate ability to clear all paths. Are you needing some insight or clarity on something? Is some issue needing to have some movement or dynamite? Does it feel like you pushing upstream and something won’t budge, or another person is holding a belief or behavior undermining something?  Take this card into consideration related to the question you asked when you pulled it. Perhaps your big break-thru is soon coming.

Most likely this card is giving you a nudge to remember that you are the team captain of yourself. You can decide to remove an obstacle of any sort by approaching it not alone, but with the wisdom and support of others to assist you. Your best help is beyond the veil. Legions of divine masters and angels await your asking for insight into how to bexmove this perceived obstacle. The card uses the word perceived because truly there are no real obstacle, there are only movies of your imagination with zigs and zags to help you explore your true nature as a divine creator being. Work with a mentor or go deep into meditation and access the zone where you remember how to manage reality with your intentional consciousness. Melt the obstacle. It was just a perception after all. Study the card image. See how she has so much crazy energy encircling her as thought forms she relates to. If she never shifts them, she will see life the same and feel limited. If she stops, connects with source there will never be any obstacle again she cannot approach with her magical tools.


Standing In your Power

  1. Standing in your Power

Do you understand what Standing in your Power means? Or have you been deferring to others for too long? Is someone trying to persuade you or convince you of something or is life calling upon your inner strength to hold YOUR ground, YOUR vision in some way. This might feel new to you, or for some, they stand so strongly in their power it can push others away when it is in the form of resistance. Do you doubt your ability to withstand criticism or or to be strong around certain other people who are not allowing you to be authentic? Are you done with letting others projections of you color your self image and perceptions?  Standing in your Power means you have spent time discovering more and more about your inner self and your life expressions patterns and have come to some basic truths you wish to live by. No matter what others think are doing, you have build a foundation of confidence and standing firm. Or perhaps this card is an invitation to explore your power and try on different approaches in experimenting with standing in your power. It can be as simple as saying, no thank you, I am not interested in eating that now. It can also be a life decision, stating, NO I do not wish to move to that state. When you truly are in your power there will be an eminence of certainty and others will cease to challenge you. Others will lean into your decisions as there will a certain radiance of trustworthiness that you will deliver what you have said or promised.

Standing in your power is a natural expression of Leadership and invites people to trust you and listen to you. Are you meant to be a teacher, mentor, or lightworker?  It is a sign of maturity and advanced spiritual development to stand in the unknowns of life and to be assured that you have the right to have your own beliefs, choices and life experience. You are taking a stand for yourself. That is very attractive when accomplished with a respect for all. This card is calling for you to delve into this topic in relationship to the question or issue at hand.  Do you need more or less of standing in your power? How is your present behavior serving or limiting you in this respect. Take your time. Examine the card and your attitudes and patterns. Is your voice free to express? Do you wear a neck brace of limitation and contraction?  An important part of your spiritual path is to balance your own personal power with all that is, in healthy sustainable ways.


Feeling Calm, Trusting and Peaceful


  1. Feeling Calm, Trusting and Peaceful

Are you too busy, stressed, confused, to establish a healthy balanced approach to the issue at hand? Are the elements overwhelming and  it seems too think to sort or you are holding some sort of resistance within? Do you recognize your own pattern of not feeling calm, trusting or peaceful in certain situations or all the time?  A desirable goal is to feel calm, trusting and peaceful but there are thousands of reasons, scenarios, and issues to derail us. Can you imagine that through it all, or faced with anything, you could make the choice to feel and experience calm, trust and peace? Yes it is possible.  Yet the layers of self reflection, self-empowerment and self-awareness elude us when we are being reactive and too busy to self-reflect and correct.

The answer or remedy you are seeking if you are feeling outside this realm is to slow down. Breathe and re-train your body towards the relaxation response. Being to imaging less reaction, more letting go, more allowance of the flow of life. This takes learning and mastering the simple processes of mindfulness, meditation and eating and resting well. How important to you is attaining peace? Can you make it a priority for yourself? Or can you make it a priority to be available for you beloveds and community to join them with a peaceful nature rather than chaotic and stressed?  There are many entry points to begin the journey towards the centerpoint goal of peace and calm. Choose one and practice it.  Re-train your biology and neurology and use your mental to discern and make new choices. Have you considered the benefits you would experience by embodying calm, trust and peace?  Focus on the feeling of being there and how life could flow differently. You created your present blueprint, now use your Intentional Consciousness to re-create and re-tune your approaches to life and people. What a wonderful  ability you have for change and expansion.  Embodying these three principles, calm, trust and peace will change everything. List the effects in your mind for a moment. Take a deep breath. Make some choices and commit to them. You are well on your way to lightening up, and becoming light. You will trust yourself as never before and take risks and expand with joy and creativity. It is worth the contemplation and effort.


We are ONE

  1. We are One

Everything is inter-connected. Your thoughts are visible and do not dissipate. Quantum theory shows us how we sympathetically vibrate to all around us. Knowing this…how can we have negative feelings towards anything? In what ways are you continuing and supporting duality by your thoughts and behaviors? Are you labeling, judging, or condemning others? You have pulled this card because you are just learning this aspect of creation and your role in it, or are needing to become more aware of this universal principle.  It is an evolutionary concept. What is your role, or understanding of, or resistance to the concept that All are ONE.  Everything affects everything. All is in an intricate energy dance. Patterns recognition and matching resonantly with others helps us keep specific patterns in place unconsciously. Do you need to break or interrupt any patterns of rigid thinking that conflicts with this Quantum Science supported statement?

If you are a lightworker you are constantly upgrading your understanding of the nature and breadth of vibrational realities all interacting. You might be beginning to understand how powerful your presence is as a mediator of outcomes, and also how any old paradigm though forms within you continue any patterns of limitation or fear. By considering this card you are choosing to go beyond your present comfort zone, or help another and more deeply consider all that this card is bringing to you. How have you created your vibrational patterns and are you choosing to show up differently?  If we are ONE, how are you sculpting the one with your attitudes, words and behaviors?  Take some time to delve into this “at cause” revelation and how it relates to your question or issue at hand.


Ending Hunger

  1. Ending Hunger

Ending Hunger for what? What have you been seeking? What nourishment has been withheld? This card address the micro to the macro in the metaphorical issue of being hungry…seeking…finally finding an end to hunger. Are you feeling more resourced, less separation and isolation?  Look at the card and feel into the gut images. Is your gut seeking to feel settled, safe and satiated or have you recently found you are fuller with life and possibilities and the universe is indeed ending your hunger for more.  The act of and sense of seeking holds within it the energy of never having a resting place of ENOUGH.  It is a perceptual condition of striving, efforting, seeking and feeling a hunger….for something.

What would it feel like to end your hunger? To be enough? to have enough? To stop seeking for safety and sustenance outside of yourself? To stop feeling jealous of what others have or are eating?  Sometimes our childhood patterns stay with us and we eat to emotionally sooth ourselves into our adult year. Often we are hungry for more “sweetness” in our lives and it can manifest as diabetes on a physical level.  How has feeling hungry shown up for you and how might have kept you exhausted?  Of course the inner world mirrors and outer world and we can also examine planetary hunger with this card. How has our own role of needing something but never quite finding the healthy balance point shown up in the world consciousness? How have we as a species striven and stripped the world of resources, safety and sustainability? How have you as an individual stripped yourself of the ability to manifest in a balanced primal way without seeking and conquering and covering beyond your actual needs?  To heal world hunger, begin with yourself. Satisfy your true needs, not the needs impressed upon you by an insatiable media driven dystopia.  This card invites to reflect on your choice to realize you do indeed have enough and to experience the peace, trust and sanity that comes with embodying this belief. Believe it and you shall achieve it.


Eding Separation from Source


  1. Ending separation from Source Globally

Earth has been separated from her Divinity for quite some time. However, she is returning to her divine alignment with her home galaxy and the universal core. As she ends her separation from Source, you will go with her or not. Your own choosing is the key. Do you seek to raise and hold your vibration and End your separation from Source?  It is a solo sovereign decision your soul makes and most likely has already made. Since you live on earth, and she is ascending you will go with her and others who are choosing, or not. If you chose this card this is up for you. Are you going to the new vibrational realm? Are you preparing yourself and finding ways to shift from your personal story and other’s drama trauma stories to be free and clear to move with the new communities that require the holding of positive, loving vibrations?  Are you sorting through your own confusion of what this all means?  Are you releasing all fear and all the parts of fear that no longer serve you? Shame, jealousy, projecting, anger, depression….the human conditions that are all healed by unconditional love without compromise?

Perhaps you are moving toward the end of separation to the new world, but others are not? Is this dissonance distracting you and keeping you in roles that not longer serve you or work for you?  How can you focus on your next spiritual step and allow others to be in their timing? How can you make sense of it all as this is sometimes way too much to contemplate, integrate or imagine?  What is your role in the divine plan?  Are you part of the lightworker team to accomplish this task on earth and how is it showing up for you?  This card brings a huge set of questions, reflections and a very deep acknowledgment of the immense changes coming and what it requires from you. Pulling this card is asking you to ponder the enormous work ahead and yet, the profound beneficial changes your input will bring for the whole. You are the very conduit for these changes. Hold your place, your energy field in a vibrant, balanced way to hold the field for the whole world with other light workers as these changes are implemented and integrated.


Finding Your Place in the Divine Plan

  1. Finding your place in the Divine Plan

You are figuring the Divine Plan out day by day. It is unfolding and yet, you can’t see it with your eyes. You have to believe it to see it actually. But who are you to have a role or place within it? Are you different than other people? Do you have unique gifts?  Are you confused about all this?  Of course you are! You thought you were a regular person with a regular family. But no! You are intuitive, can manifest, shift things and the more you learn the more confusing it can get. And your family or loved ones can’t quite “get” the new you with ideas, visions and shifting beliefs. It takes courage to look at the truth and find the right mentors to outline the coming changes and your part in the whole theater of change. You DO have a part, everyone does, but what is YOUR role or part or place?  Perhaps your issue or question today is around this.

Begin by Being with where you are. What do you know for sure? Start reaching out for trustworthy sources, don’t worry, you will read a lot of nonsense on this path. Develop your own discernment system and compare all facts and beliefs as they come into your awareness. Trust carefully. Build your inner knowing brick by brick. Be open. Discover your talents by practicing simple meditation to clear you mind and then plant some new beliefs and watch your body, mind and habits take you down some new surprising wonderful paths of manifestation. Let yourself unfold, be bold, follow that passionate spark, be open….and yet always set a wondrous boundary around your sacred self to always refer everything back to your own balanced energy field and consciousness. The way home to truth is a golden one, and finding your place is a process. Be patient. Listen. Commune with source directly every day. You will find your place in the Divine Plan. Sometimes pulling this card can mean you are separating out of a tribe or system that is NOT you, as you are differentiating that which was habitual and instilled by a mis-guided consensus majority. Recognize all that is in  play here. Honor yourself for this courageous journey to be born into the world with only human awareness and then open to the new memo that you are a divine being visitor here with immense power and work to do through your unique gifts. Pretty awesome huh? But not everyone is going to get it. Let any need to prove, explain or be defensive about your expanding truth base go. You can do this.


Speaking Truth to Authority

  1. Speaking Truth to Authority

Your birth shaped this one. Your parents, your gender and where you were born helped you decide when it is safe to speak up and to who.  Speaking to Truth to Authority was and is not allowed in some instances in this world. In some sense you are recognizing, overcoming and working with this issue?  Are you tired of holding back your piece? Are you in a relationship struggle with sharing your truth?  At some point, when you recognize your important role as a planetary change agent, you will feel this uncomfortable inner ceiling within yourself. Why can’t you speak what you are thinking? What happens when you do? How safe do you feel? In what situations do you feel most threatened? Answering these questions will help you see the reasons and yet, there often unconscious reasons as well from your early childhood and past lives.

The good news is that if you diligently remove fear, hesitation and any feeling of “no right to speak” up your actual message will land with people so they can HEAR it without push back. You will be a clear megaphone for light and truth, welcomed by many and feared by some. You will be authentically claiming your truth and sharing it with those who DO hold the power to effect change.  Yet, have you considered that so-called authority is often thrust in to a position of leadership and your loving delivered words are NEEDED by them to succeed in more collaborative ways? That you speaking up to authority will help the whole? They are waiting for you to speak up and share. Your Truth is needed. If you do feel fear speaking up to authority, follow that fear to it’s source and clear it. If you are comfortable speaking up to Authority, perhaps there are some who are not comfortable with you doing that and that is the issue your are exploring today?  You chose the card, so creatively take a look at the aspects of this card!


Being Sustainable, Resilient and Afloat

  1. Being sustainable, resilient and afloat

This card represents your inner muse. You must keep a sense of humor as you constantly check yourself for your travel worthiness along this path of spiritual awakening. Are you keeping your stocks and stores ship shape?  Can you laugh occasionally at the absurd irrational behavior and thinking of most humans?  Are you ready for geophysical changes that are inevitable? Are you keeping your life simple and less materialistic to be resilient no matter what happens where? Are you following spirit’s prompts to be available to relocate if needed, or move into community quickly to have your basic needs met?  Are you letting go of any superficial, addictive needs that are keeping you chained to the status quo?  Is the thought of NOT being sustainable keeping you up at nights and disturbing your peace? Do you fear or feel you will be swept away with coming changes and have no sense of safety?  Explore your thoughts.

The Divine Plan is rolling in with accelerating energy and the effects will be felt by every man, animal and rock. How it plays out is not certain yet you are at choice to keep yourself flexible and open to that which practical and needed in the moment. By keeping an open strong channel with your spiritual inner guidance you will always be in the right place with the resources you need simply because you ARE a vessel for the blueprint for the Divine Plan to unfold here peacefully.  Steer clear of human drama and understand that each soul has chosen their journey and your role is to be solid lighthouse rather than a rescue lifeboat.  Stay afloat of all dissonance and dis-creation with a firm hand on your rudder to truth, the necessity for change has come and you can sail through it with attention to detail and preparedness within.


Living with Nature in Grace and Harmoney Message and Affirmation

  1. Living with Nature in Grace and Harmony

Nature is divinely aligned, until disturbed by man. Are you spending enough time in Nature? Is your body seeking to bathe itself in oceanic flows or transcendent vistas?  This card can have many aspects and questions. Are you respecting Natural law and resources? Perhaps you are called to a great awareness of the reclamation of our lands for healthy soils and planetary health?  Or is climate change opening your eyes up t o the inter-relatedness of it all?  Mother Earth is tired of humans abusing her. Are you aware to her inner soul calling for an end to abuse?  Are you a part of her healing? Reclamation of her right to health, love, respect and appreciation?  How does your inner life reflect natural law and how is your self care? Is your diet lacking in nutrition and true nourishment and your vitality lacking?  Do you see how many ways our relationship with nature effects our life? Are you finding the way you live, or the people you live with just don’t work anymore for your changing sensibilities.  Only you can decide what meaning this card has for you in this moment. There is a lot to ponder.

What if you committed to a new form of relationship with Nature to restore your health and santity and natural state.  First, you listen and stop thinking within a natural setting.  Observe. Respect. Breath with her pulses and ground with the earth frequency. Cut loose from the frenzied human parade of getting and choose to be part of the new being. Work with your natural instincts for rest, eating and playing. Listen to balancing music. Slow down. Appreciate nuances of weather and beauty. Be a caretaker. Learn about nature. Let Mother Nature, who has already secured her fifth dimensional vibration, carry you with her as a future resident as you vibrate in precise coordination with her new profile. She will mother those who respect, appreciate and care for her well. Be that person to continue to receive her gifts, but now with reciprocity and care as the new standard.


Pledge for Everyday Living Choices in the Light


  1. Pledge for everyday living choices in the light

This is where it all begins…Pledging and then doing the things to charge your vibrational field everyday.  Words or good intentions won’t prepare you for being the light. It is activating your WILL and choosing. Then taking action. You cannot pay anyone to do it for you, it is most certainly a one-person, YOU generated stair-stepped process. To Be the Light you must Pledge it daily and do it daily. Meditate, anchor your thoughts, emotions and physical body into the divine hammock of higher vibration! Are you clear on your commitment?  Is this desire to be the light your guiding star or are you putting your feet in two camps and feeling frustrated and disappointed with yourself?  Perhaps you chose this card because someone else is distracting you from fulfilling your pledge, or are they are seeking to push you more in to a deep commitment to your spiritual path?  How does this card land for you? Often, it is about imagining ourselves as enlightened but truly not doing what it takes. This sets up a cycle of ups and downs and a sense of self disappointment.

Reflect on the image. Before the glorious shards of light emanating from the image, a human form was present. Humans must will, invite and bring the light in day by day, minute by minute. When we consciousness choose light in every moment our very aura changes and we actually have a glowing halo. Other’s sense this light and lean in. Our crown chakra is powerfully connected to higher communication systems and is a receiver satellite system to receive and radiate healing codes, patterns and updates for human geometric configurations. All of this takes of course, dedication and steadfastness to create these desired outcomes. No off down days.


Be a Visionary

  1. Be a Visionary

How can we create a world we want to live in, that will be the result of a co-creation, but cannot see? By sharpening our Visionary skills to coalesce beneficial potential futures. Are you beginning to see the power of your thoughts or are you well into the manifestation game?  If you pulled this card perhaps you are seeking to “see” more. Learn the simple steps to still your mind and ask to see the best possible future!  Access the Quantum field easily.

Are some people feeling annoyed you see and can talk about the future, igniting their sense of helplessness in the whole creation?  Being a Visionary is a perfect example of Spiritual Service for which there may be NO initial pay off or recognition by our early brethren. Being a Visionary means sharing things that are not here and that takes courage. Speaking about them catalyzes others yet we know everything is a potential and might not come true without human consciousness buy-in. Many people are afraid of change and will discredit Visionary beings and you might even discredit yourself from time to time. Not everyone is cut out or meant to be a visionary as it does take so much TRUST.  Are you seeking trust? To trust your intuition?  To jump-start a healthy revolution?

Who or what allows you to call yourself a Visionary?  You do, that is who.  It is a profound sense of responsibility and yet if it is your prenatal contract and your souls desire and aligns with your gifts you are fully equipped  to move towards a deep ability to see and discern and share. When it all lines up and the public is ready you can be the pivotal forefront of evolutionary shifts we are seeking. We need leaders.  Being a Visionary and leading can take many forms…Art, Speaking, Dancing,  and Writing. A Visionary brings the future here through vibrational transference. This card is related to your owning, acknowledging and being the Visionary that you are. If you are not sure, then do some inner investigation and follow that path of discovery.


Live from your Heart

  1. Live from your Heart

Though we often proclaim we want to live from our Heart what does that really mean?  Are you feeling your mental is over-active and you want to be more heart centered in your decision-making? Are you tired of the way you operate and want to be free to express love and stop armoring yourself and living on-guard?  Or has attempting to live from your Heart made you so vulnerable you do not feel safe. It is a statement with no compass.  To live form your Heart is to release Fear. Then your faculties of discernment for right practical decision making can become stronger and trustworthy. You still set boundaries, and fact living from your Heart means you set regular strong healthy boundaries to protect your Heart!  Your heart is actually the administrative aspect of your soul and essence here. It is not your brain or mind. So living from your Heart is living connected to your best spiritual guidance and communion.

Are you seeking to be less judgemental and more compassionate? That is the result of choosing to live more in your Heart. Lightening your burden of painful life experiences, trauma and grief will make more room in your heart to discover and experience your authentic vibrational profile that matches your heart resonance. So perhaps some healing and releasing is in order? Truest expression of Living in your Heart would be to embrace, “thy will be my will.”


Follow Your Passion

  1. Follow your Passion

When we think of Passion there are many types. We are talking about innate primal passion for living enthralled by spiritual bliss with this card. Are you seeking passion for living? Are you looking for inspiration to make movement in your life? When is the last time you felt totally IN your zone, turned on with possibility? It is an interesting topic as nobody else can find it for you and usually nobody else is inclined to ignite yours as they are concerned with theirs. It is you responsibility to DECIDE to try or do something with a passionate ATTITUDE that is the key. Perhaps you are too busy or distracted to address your lack of passion? Is there someone or something beckoning you but you are too safety minded?  Can you allow yourself the opportunity, time and resources to move towards more passionate living? If not now, when?

Our social systems are heavily weighted towards acquisition of money and material things and it cannot bring the innate happiness humans seek. You are seeking satisfaction with life. A sense of enough. A sense of meaning. Checking off these essential boxes for a happy life comes more easily when you are doing something you are passionate about. The JOY of doing this activity overrides the sensory domination of never enough. You are too busy being happy and fulfilled. Or conversely, has your path been one of always following your passion but not weaving in sustainable living considerations. Are you always drained of resources and relationships as you are driven to dive into your passion in an unbalanced way? Each of us must create our own scale of comfort and yet, there are tried and true principles to acknowledge. People who follow their passion and it meets the marketplace successfully do seem to live successful lives they wouldn’t trade with anyone. Is there something you are really good at and have denied yourself the opportunity to pursue due to fears? Perhaps this card is a signal to look at that. Or to encourage a loved one. See how this card resonates with your issue and do some inner exploration.


Call in the Angels


  1. Call in the Angels

Did you know their are legions of angels waiting for you to summon them in? Angels cannot exercise their will to enter earth but you can INVITE them in. To support you, be with you and help you raise your vibration and see things from a heavenly perspective. You know how children have an imaginary friend they see and talk to? Usually it’s just someone others can’t see because they don’t share the same vibration. Would you like to call in some angels?  Are you asking for support or guidance? Could you use some extra support? Angels bring levity, and relief from the earthly dross. We call them Guardian Angels for a reason. They can be your helpmate, especially when things are heavier than usual in your life affairs.

To Call in the Angels, read the message and affirmation on the other side of this card. Hold this intention with all your heart. Welcome the Angel or Angels into your life. Create a welcoming altar and begin an inner conversation.  Pray with the angel(s) and make intentions for health, healing, and energetic movement across all realms. Wherever two or more or gathered is true. You can access and move into higher vibrational realms with a divine being at your side. Why wouldn’t you want to Call in the Angels?  If this is a new idea for you, try it on. Read about angels. Experiment. Perhaps you are from the angelic realm yourself and there will be a comforting familiarity around the whole process. When do you think would be a good time to Call in some Angels?  How about now? You know, they ARE listening and waiting….


Own Your Authority

  1. Own your Authority

Only YOU can claim and own your authority. This is a decision to exercise your personal power in a more pronounced way. Are you re-defining your personal power and how to express it? Are there circumstances or people requiring you to stand your ground without wavering to mis-truth? To be on your spiritual path you must simultaneously be open to information and guidance and to be resolute in the true source truth you own.  It is you truth and from this truth flows your innate authentic authority. It is defined by you, held by you and felt by others. Is leaning into other’s versions of realtiy tiring for you and not working?  Good!  It is time to own your authority in new ways now.  How can you do that?

Rather than resisting others authoritative pressure, can you find the anchor of calm, unshakeable presence that will send a message to the world you are your own being. You depend on your insight, discernement and cannot be bought, controlled or cajoled into their story or agenda. This is a time where individual souls are moving towards ascension and it is your sole responsibility to establish a green and red light for what you let in. You are owning your authority when you say, “No thank you”  or find polite sacred ways to allow others to do what they want while you reserve the right to proceed with your beliefs. You are learning life and facts are not black and white or bad or good. You allow others their autonomy and appreciate it all the while becoming more and more the authority of your life. After all, so many people holding positions of authority have done it through a system that is soiled with controlling, predatory energies. You want to un-hinge yourself fron this co-created reality and stand for something else, as you Own your own Authority more powerfully each day.

Choosing this card could represent that your growing self-authority is causing ripples in your existing realationship mobile of life. Good. Be who you are and the natural selection and shake-out process will bring people into your life who allow and enjoy you being yourself in your power. Blessings on your path.


Commune with Divine Mother

  1. Commune with Divine Mother

Joining with the Divine Mother is the most powerful step you can take towards bringing yourself and the planet home back to safety and love. What is your relationship to the feminine face of source?  Have you communicated with this essence in a way that you can identify it and commune with it? Are you seeking more connection? She can be your guiding star to help the reclamation of your spiritual nature and also the restoration of the planet you live on. This pervasive spritual force is the space holder of all that is. Have you been driving more masculine energy and are feeling depleted?  How can you bring more Divine Mother energy into your life?  This energy is available to all. It is endless and free. Why not call it in and drink from it?  Do you have unconscious fear or mistrust of the feminine? Do you feel you will not get things done if the feminine reins? Is it time to identify the aspects of your relationship to Divine Mother that not longer serve you?

The energy of the masculine is too powerful on earth at present. We need more Divine Mother energy and perhaps you are choosing to bring it? What does that look like for you or what can it be?  Can you find ways to be in the bliss of enough? Enough food, beauty, self-care and resources? Can you feel and embody the presence of the queenly aspect of your beingness? Queens are wise and counsel, and are slow to action and never react. Queens own their authority given to then by beloveds who trust their fair, in integrity judgement. Perhaps you are becoming a queen and donning your crown of connection with divine other at source?  If you are not attracted to this card, or being held in the flow of feninine essence take some time to explore this resistance. We are all composed of both masculine and feminine and we will seek outside of ourselves that which we have pushed away. Our primal need for feminine nurturing can come from within, by communing with Divine Mother we heal and become the gentle nurturing light for ourselves and others.


Finding Your Voice of Light

  1. Finding your Voice of Light

All roads lead to you Finding your Voice of Light. As you lighten up and progress on your spiritual path, the frequency profile of your voice will delight and lift others unconsciously. Study the image of the queen who is spinning many plates. these plates represent her beloveds, community and relationship to the world and universe. She designs and decorates her world in balance and she stands in the middle as it is “her” creation.  Her words and messages create new worlds of feeling, possibility and vibrational re-attunement. Are you standing in balance and giving your enhanced with light voice to your world?

The process of finding your voice is balancing all the realms of your world with your spiritual invocations and intent. As a multi-tasking human are you finding you are out of kilter in some area?  When an area of your life, or a spinning plate stops or drops you suffer a drop in your vibration and your voice shows it. The goal is to find your voice of light all the time in all things and this voice is just the sounding mechanism for this spiritually imbued life you have created and are living. Have you noticed changes in your voice and how other people respond to to? Are you holding back sharing your own heart felt truths and spiritual messages?  Is it time to overcome and release all fear of letting your voice stream the pure divine being that you are? Are you ready to stop pretending you are something or someone you are not?  All of this comes with the choosing of this card. An invitation to find and be the voice of light every moment moving forward. And in doing this you heal the world.


Be the Light

  1. Be the Light

The last card in the deck is calling you to BE the light you are. Which part of you might be not yet lifted into the light? By choosing this card you are perhaps well along with your spiritual path as this is the alpha omega of the journey. What does this mean to you?  How does this card fit into the question or issue you bring to the deck today?  All humans are walking their way home and this card is the end of that journey. Do you feel close or is it elusive?

This time around we are not dying to then ascend. We are in fact resonating the frequency field of heaven here in this world and thus ending separation for yourself and supporting the end of duality for all of earth. Becoming ONE with source we are a profound light for the mix.  The process of becoming light takes such courage and endurance due to our previous earth personality programming. In reality, it is just a thought away. If you can now imagine, and hold the thought that you are a divine pure being here experiencing life on earth all could and would change instantly. You choose the path, the timing and the teachers and know that ultimately, this lifetime you are destined to become your full light potential. As a lightworker at this time you have chosen to Be the Light to lift and restore earth and while inspiring people to join in community to build heaven on earth. With the help of heavenly beings. You are up to the task and we are a team. If there is any part of you that doubts this, this card is here to reassure you that yes, you will become light and fulfill your mission. Be what you are. Light. Namaste and congratulations.