My Lineage with the Red Thread Circle and Intentional Creativity
By Jan Jorgensen RN, MA, CMP
There is a red thread that connects all those who shall eventually meet …this is the wonderful message of the RED Thread community. And sometimes we get a little hint ahead of time…even years before we pick up the phone and make the connection!
When something is important and profound my whole body chills up and down my spine. “Pay Attention!” my heart commands. This feeling came to me when I was in an airport bathroom and I asked…”Am I part of the Magdalene lineage?” after I saw the Da Vinci Code movie and I had no idea who she was even. Then, years later this chill came when I saw a painting by Shiloh Sophia. THIS has a history, importance, a golden Key for your soul’s remembrance of your reason for being this chill told me.

Painting by Shiloh Sophia
I began to see my Women Friends “Shiloh” style paintings popping up on Facebook. I followed “Workshops” they attended and it was as if they gained their wings of self-expression and a new gracious colorful muse aspect accompanied their lives. Her student’s paintings began showing up at all the Goddess events I sang at!! Busy with my own Vocal Work and Vibrational healing teaching I watched from the periphery for many years. Inviting Shiloh to speak at my SOAR Women’s Circles brought me a bit closer into the inner circle and I invited her to lunch to explore her world viewpoint. Touring her Healdsburg studio I saw a whole world of art making, women’s empowerment and a generosity of spirit and inclusion that was astounding to me. A true Renaissance woman that would historically be credited with lifting up a whole generation of women to do the great social re-weaving that is needed. A role model. And a great artist who is eloquent, humorously honest and articulate to a T. Never boring. She gives us an invitation to BE BIG. How perfectly this mirrors my Divine Feminine Voice work to BE the LIGHT and speak up.
I felt I had done most of my life’s bucket list and was moving towards semi-retirement so in 2017 I made the choice. Part of me was afraid my self-image as a non-artist would block me from having any success. But the other part, the inquisitive, explorative gypsy won out. I could just paint for the rest of my life and have it be a quiet and contemplative spiritual experience. I joined the Intentional Creativity Painting program with Shiloh Sophia McCloud in the Color of Women Program for the 2018 program.
I committed. Soon, I was moving through the steps and painting and drawing so voraciously I wondered what did I do before Art??? The assignments allowed me to go deep into my own processes honestly and SEE the movement of the energetic fields. I began to paint other people, my children and friends and noticed their shifts and decided to offer Soul Portraits to the world. People love them. Far into the program I begin to know why all of this works so well for me this method of Creativity. It MARRIES the Be the Light INTENTIONAL invisible healing work I developed that works so well for healing and brings in the element of Visibility for people to SEE the movement. To my surprise, it strengthens my previous work and adds a crucial element for the world and clients to SEE how intention is expressed through color. That is why I had the Major Chill…this work is an important augment for my life’s work.
The Painting is held within the “Red Thread Community.” A colorful and inspired group of women who connect on FB, in workshops and trainings and classes worldwide thru Shiloh’s work. The attendees carefully send a ball of red thread around the room and…magic explodes as we remember our divine connectedness to the wisdom of the feminine in sacred circle.
Straight from the IC website
13 Core Teachings of Intentional Creativity
CURIOSITY – Enter into the space of inquiry inspired wonder
ACCESS – Journey and establish pathways of connection with your heart and soul
AWARENESS – Inquire within, you are not who you think you are: ‘who lives in here?’
CONNECTION – Claim that you are a co-creator in the greater circle of sacred life
INTENTION – Activate quantum consciousness through mindful creations
INVITATION – Allow discovery, and being your own witness to enter into your processes
CREATION – Alchemize your content across the veil into form, and practice regularly
CATALYZE – Choose to continually move out of default settings into possibility
COMPASSION – Lovingly collaborate with the collective through your offerings
AWAKENING – Explore and expand the infinite palette of your many senses
COHERENCE – Create alignment between your gifts, your Source, and Creation
BELONGING – Choose to be embodied, and belong to a tribe of creatives
CEREMONY – Design experiences which both mark transitions and celebrate!
Who lives in here? ~ Sue Hoya Sellars
What are you here to cause and create? ~ Shiloh Sophia
What ancient knowing lives within these hands? ~ Lenore Thomas Straus

by Shiloh Sophia
Why is the IC method of Painting so profound? It’s from a long chiseled lineage of women honoring the truth and living thru the lens of art in community. The Red Thread LINEAGE of IC began thru Lenore Thomas Strauss’ original seed in the 1940’s of creating art thru intention and acute sensory awareness. Sue Soya Sellers, Shiloh’s significant mentor, took her cues and truth from Nature having been tutored by Lenore’s philosophies. God’s work defined her building blocks for art. Enter Shiloh as a young woman into this lineage…a fiery young artistic woman and daughter within this bohemian artistic community. She thrived in this honest environment of life inquiry thru artful living with her mother Caron McCloud. She grew and grew and sensed her mission to carry on the Art processes for Healing. She stepped forward with courage and flair and gives us all hope we can be artists even if we feel we aren’t “real artists.” Art is healing and not reserved to any domain or group!
She teaches us Art heals ….it takes us back to our natural state and shows us what is lingering unhealthfully from our worldly encounters ….how to unwind the misalignments in our convoluted fear based society. She radiates the Feminine principles of: Resilience …Empowerment…Connection…. Leadership. (Her words) She is an eloquent wordsmith for the esoteric and practical all mixed together. Women resonate with her fun hats, big colored clothing and un-apologetic presence.
It is nothing short of a MOVEMENT. As a result she attracts women worldwide to get a hold of that red thread. Because of Shiloh the IC method is practiced in homes, hospitals, shelters, classrooms and at the kitchen tables of the awakening women. Eileen Nash, a TV host on my Women Helping Women SOAR Channel, exemplifies the self-awareness and dedication to make profound art that so impresses me of the COW women. Painting in her early morning “café” she re-aligns the particles of life not just for herself but all the people her life touches as a mother, muse, nurse and educator. I wanted to be like her! Katie Ketchum’s paintings grace the Her Church in SF and she sings and leads the congregations energetically with these heavenly images of the beauty of the Feminine spirit. These women shine forth with hope and goodness.
Shiloh continued curating the method and birthed the structured organizational aspects to hold the growing community of Cosmic Cowgirls and created a Painting Training called “Color of Women.” Now, all women could learn how to create and heal through paint and connect to a larger circle of the Red Thread awakening women. A planetary blessing of enormous ramifications. Books, Cards, Trainings all flowed naturally like a brook to a parched world. And free videos to make it accessible due to her generous heart and dedication of the spirit of her mission.
In 2015 a nonprofit was formed, the same year she spoke to the United Nations. It’s foundational pillars are;
Enduring Influence + Curating Culture + Global Movement = Intentional Creativity
She took it to the world powerfully thru Internet programs and in person gatherings. She offered it to groups and individuals who are seeking clarity, healing and empowerment in their lives. It grew and grows. She seeks to empower ME, YOU and others to make it our own. There is no competition.

A women’s gathering at SOAR…Jen Duchene, Shiloh Sophia and Jan Jorgensen at Cynthia Welsh’s
To me, most importantly she is fully awakening the Voices of the Women who have sought an outlet for their inner sense of there is something they have to bring to the world. She has given then an entry portal to not only express and release their traumas but to blossom as artists. AND also to offer these services to the world in a contained sustainable business. It’s a true blessing and so needed to mobilize the masses of women who are here to lead the planet back to it’s senses through the ideation of the loving inclusive feminine. Shiloh has presented to the United Nations and is a sought after public speaker globally. You can find her leading Guild Workshops in Italy, France, and from places women circle up to get connected to their divinity through he Arts. She is truly an example of the type of woman I often singled out on my Just Jan TV shows….where the kitchen table wisdom goes viral onto the larger tables of leadership and authority.
Long live Shiloh Sophia. And all the initiates that became and are becoming ambassadors of TRUTH thru art. Bless them all.
About Intentional Creativity:
Shiloh Sophia’s Color of Women Programs:
Color of Women Artists at the United Nations:
Jan Jorgensen See the Light Painting:
Painting merged with the Be the Light Healing Method:
Shiloh’s Mother, Caron McCloud, presents on Beauty in the COW training

COW with Shiloh Sophia

Painting Workshops with Jan Jorgensen