Your Voice can be the Holy Grail of Truth we need!
The Western Woman will lead the world home……. to sanity. She will do it first by talking around the kitchen table with other awakening women. As they share and speak there will be a growing sense of how far things have wandered from truth and goodness and then they will decide they have to do something. They will hold a circle, then a gathering. And then they will go out to speak to an authority for change.
Guess what? The women will sit at the tables of “the authorities” at first. But the authorities are SO mired in the status quo details of the old programming their meetings seem fruitless, heartless and purposeless.
So what do we do? We must take the reins of power into our own hands, or more accurately, our MOUTHS. We can trust ourselves to say the Truth. The Truth compass seems broken in the present media as special interests and mono-owned networks screech drama and broken systems day and night. But there is big Hope! Here in America on THIS day we can still speak up and paint, sing, or speak the Truth in empowering ways. And interestingly, it is the recent welling up of narcissistic leadership that has poked us into action. And the recent exposure of sexual-harassment has opened a new chapter in the media as well.

We need more women
There is movement occurring. It is inspiring to see 600 women attending the Indivisible Women meeting in Nevada City and the subsequent preparedness of members running for local office. Something BIG is happening. A stepping forward. It is not that women have been excluded from the media…but the door is open only as wide as the status quo allows for how they look, act and report. But that is changing. Look at the POTUS spokesperson…a woman. But not a regular media woman.
You know what I like about Sarah Huckabee? She speaks in an assured voice, no matter the content. She pauses, takes hold of the current of conversation and makes her points powerfully and unemotionally if emphatically. I forget she is a woman.
What does that mean? it means she does not play to others in a way that emphasizes her need to be accepted by others, or demure or move or present her external self as an attractive vulnerable female as our society often expects of newscasters. She is an extremely powerful woman and gender-less. I do not agree with her but I respect her ability to hold her power no manner what. How often I turn on the news to see coifed, stiff, face-lifted heavily made up anchors in tight dresses with archetype feminine postures. That is all fine if that is their authentic choice, but are they being real or are they forming themselves into an acceptable template?
Jacky Rosen, a Nevada Representative, caught my attention recently with her down to earth feminine frankness by stating that yes, it is the feminine wisdom that is needed. She says it right out. Hearing her speak after the Las Vegas shootings was refreshing and real, like a mother who is saying what we are all thinking. We must stop the NONSENSE, and get real. And see the social flows that are all created by righteous old standards that serve the wealthy and entitled.
Enter this new vibration of Woman speaking from absolute certainty and Truth and we have a game changer dynamic at work. So just as I found that Susan B. Anthony had her safe house here in Nevada City before the final door opened…I invite all women here to challenge the system, speak up and get video-taped doing it. Share it with the world.

Looking forward to Teams of Women making inspiring videos to change our reality…Ramona Howard of NCwith the world. We still have that freedom for unbridled sharing of what is good and real and truth. Look at the locals, Devorah Bry helping women get IN their body, Franceska Alexander mentoring artists, Elise Henderson Parker leading powerfully thru events and radio. it’s a long list of revolutionaries right here in our midst. And we have the newly upgraded filming facility thru NCTV where you can go in and film anything, for free actually if you are a member.
For my part….all of the years of studying the Vibrational field and how women’s Voices “give away” their power to self-doubt has led me to processes that lift-up and clear our voice of truth. Scientific Spiritual processes to light the torch of your Expressing and Delivering your message powerfully NOW to the world thru global channels. State your ideas, your teachings, and we can video-tape it for the world to see. Put your Voice on the computerized Portacle and see where you are leaking your power! We are thick into the journey and lets support each other and grow collaborative circles of sane impassioned women forming megaphones of Truth.
for….if Truth Be Told….all will wither that is not true, and life will prosper once again.
Jan Jorgensen Cercone is a Vibration Visionary, RN, CMP, MA, PHN, Founder of SOAR: Sounding our Authentic Resonance, TV Channel Owner with Host Training, Radio broadcaster and Author, she resides and works in Nevada City CA.
Soundandlighthealingarts.com SOARGlobalVision@gmail.com

we don’t have to be lead anchors….our voices can get out there

the stereotypes we are dissolving