How to Find the Right Business Coach for Healing Practitioners when there are so Many Sales Pitches out there!!
So…you are listening to spirit and walking your path now. You got your certification and are anxious to set up a practice and get going. But you find you are a bit perplexed by how to “sell” a God-given gift you have. You start looking around and see there are many business models and you are thinking…geez, do I have to do that? to get clients.
You watch your friends, ask questions. Some of them are in high-end sparkly Coaching programs promising 6 figures and you are really turned off. Especially when they invite you to attend or sign-up as they benefit. Is everyone selling themselves out? Who can you trust?
These last few years I began to investigate quietly this growing market for Emerging Healers and Artists looking for ways to create sustainability. It has attracted quite a few “sales-type” entrepreneurs who see the trend and these individuals have adopted the wording and specificity to speak to this market. Often, the marketing is fear based and shaming and when done in high-powered settings there is a “sign-up” or lose type mentality. It is exhausting, depleting and leaves everyone feeling the opposite of empowered. There are Coaches, like George Kao and Francois Levannier who had their own purifying spiritual awakening and deliver services from their mastery and goodness. There is Sahar Nafal who is creatively weaving together two worlds at once. She has crafted a business that delivers gold…she delivers Women to Themselves, in safe, supportive community through her gatherings and trainings and simultaneously has created her own successful business infrastructure. Perfect balance of the masculine focus and financial systems and the circle concept of inclusion, collaboration and feminine connection.
I have been publically humiliated when I asked a simple question at the mike at training in Monterey. Anyone is prey to a person on stage “selling” their program while projecting problems and issues onto their participants. I recoiled as my question was distorted to make a “case” for her fixing solutions. People are commodities in these settings, examples.
So if you are seeking to sustain yourself and want to choose wisely what do you do?
1. Ask questions. Ask your friends and associates the results they have gotten and how much it cost…financially and emotionally.
2. Attend events with an open mind and do not buy if you are not fully certain. Stay calm and do not get swept up into “buy today” pressured scenarios.
3. Set your budget for Business planning and Coaching.
4. Find your Style. Many of the weekend programs feature templates that do not work for your personal style or perfect clientele.
5. Go inside yourself often, meditate and create your “resonant tone” that will emit a question into the universe that will be answered affirmatively. It will come to you without pressure, bonus promises, deals or hype.
6. Find other successful practitioners and talk to them.
7. Be authentic and develop your own signature …then find the business expert or coach that matches you.
We are all on a learning curve here so there is no right or wrong. No judgment. As I have seen a lot of people get into programs and learn a lot and grow, and then develop their own thing. Yet, there is the other side of spending too much and getting little from those that study specific pitching techniques. These producers then attract customers who spend their savings hoping to be filled with what they need and feel cheated and embarrassed to at a deep level. People talk to me. One gave an organization $100 to simple go hug a tree…all coached in the priestess-spirituality tradition of empowerment. These high-pressure self-proclaimed “specialists” are into the new exciting sales opportunities next year, finding a new market. Just watch their track records.
So the answer is…. lets talk openly of what is happening by who and why. Look at the underlying intentions and ask yourself what is really valuable and works for the greater good towards reciprocal collaborative circle mentality?
We are morphing from a top-down authority and money system into a more equi-lateral feminine model of sharing and caring. Nobody takes home all the money.
WE all are asked to Live more simply. Share our individual mastery in circles of connected community.THIS is the basis of the coming ways and I think we are just right past the middle point in tolerating these high-powered schemes to sculpt beautiful Healing Practitioners into money machines. It just doesn’t work that way, it’s against nature. Enjoy this Meditation and Talk as part of the
Free Weekly Wednesday Meditations:
If you would like to learn more about the Emerging Circles of Feminine Empowerment you can join SOAR…an initiative that supports the formation of Circles of worldwide. Become am ambassador of profound change through truth…
The New Model..where everyone takes a turn sharing their Mastery…at affordable prices. At our SOAR gathering 9-2015 ……and the Bright Side of Life with Sahar Nafal’s Community…in Circle, in Community Sept. 25 where I facilitated the closing circle where we married Business with Spirituality. The Perfect match of energy to move forward powerfully with our work and message.
Jan Cercone is a Visionary Messenger working with those that are Awakening their Truth and Divine Essence to be of service in the New Paradigm. You can join her through Voice Release Workshops, Sound Circles, the SOAR leadership Program…Or become part of her Coaching Program for more personal attention. She is in Nevada City at the Light Loft, downtown Nevada City.